Remember that you are here to think critically about your world, and every experience you gain helps you understand how our world truly functions.

Ashley Calhoun
Web Content Specialist

  • Alum
Marketing and Communications
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Marketing and Communications
Ottawa, Canada
College Major
Year Graduated

Ashley Lima Calhoun is an international student from Ottawa, the capital of Canada. She never dreamed she would be completing her postgraduate in the US, especially at A&M-Commerce, let alone leave her family for a new country and a new opportunity. Yet, Ashley is now a graduate student becoming a licensed psychologist and a graduate assistant for the Department of Marketing and Communication. She loves it! When Ashley is not studying, you will see her working out with her husband and cooking diabetic-friendly desserts.

A Conversation with Ashley

What professor or person on campus has positively influenced you?

I would say two people come to mind: Dr. Beth Jones and Dr. Steve Ball. They are fantastic professors that really take the time to help their students. I was able to visit Dr. Jones’ Assistive Technology Lab and I was amazed at her passion for helping educate the students at A&M-Commerce on the importance of those technologies. As for Dr. Ball, I have had several classes with him. He has been a part of the psychology department for decades now, which means he is brilliant and has unique experiences. When Dr. Ball eventually leaves A&M-Commerce, they will have a hard time replacing him because of how unique his methods are for teaching. He pushes us to have a more holistic view of our approach to therapeutic interventions. I appreciate that view because he truly cares about providing the best services for his clients.

How has A&M-Commerce prepared you for your desired career?

A&M-Commerce has prepared me for becoming a well-grounded psychologist. They have an in-house clinic where families, children and students can come and receive therapy or assessments. The Department of Psychology and Special Education has several internship opportunities that allow us to practice the skills that we learn in class in the outside world. Another important thing they do is guide us throughout the whole process so we know what courses we should be taking.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?

I would advise each incoming student to take the time to see what the university has to offer. A&M-Commerce has several events, groups and workshops that can help you as a person. It can also help you as a student and as a future professional. Remember that you are here to think critically about your world. The classes that you take are meant to help you understand the world. Know that learning doesn’t stop here, continue to learn new things, and never put yourself in one narrow box. Take the opportunity of being here to see this is only one area that you are working on, and you must continue to work on all other areas in your life to find the balance and inner spiritual peace.


  • M.S., Applied Psychology, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2019-Current
  • B.S., Psychology, Carleton University, 2018

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