Katrina Watkins
Senior Director of Advising Team

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Advising Team | Division of Academic Affairs and Provost
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Advising Team
Division of Academic Affairs and Provost

Katrina transferred to Texas A&M University-Commerce in the fall of 2004 to pursue a Bachelor of Social Work degree. She grew up in Denton and Arlington and was not familiar with Commerce or the university. At the time, she was living in rural southwest Arkansas and wanted to transfer somewhere in Texas where she did not have to pay out-of-state tuition. Texas A&M University-Commerce offered a Phi Theta Kappa transfer scholarship that waived out-of-state fees. Thinking she would only remain to get her bachelor's degree, 16 years later she is still here. Katrina fell in love with the campus and the Commerce community. She has raised her family here and absolutely loves it!

A Conversation with Katrina Watkins

What is your favorite part of A&M-Commerce?

“I love that Texas A&M University-Commerce is a smaller university, so it feels like a family! I know almost all faculty and staff on campus, plus I know tons of students as well. I like the small town atmosphere. I feel like everyone on campus and in Commerce has a smile on their face and goes the extra mile to help others.”

Tell us a little about your job here at A&M-Commerce

“As an Academic Concierge, I am a problem solver and helper position for students needing assistance. I love when I can provide helpful tips, campus resources or support that I can tell truly helps them through their issues. Even more than that, I attend every graduation ceremony and seeing those specific students walk the stage and receive their diplomas, knowing that I had a hand in that along the way, honestly provides me so much pride and joy! The students are why I love my job!!”

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