BioPride Boot Camp
Dive into your biology degree with BioPride
Get a jump start on your undergraduate education with fun and approachable biology coursework before the semester begins.
Transitioning into college isn’t always easy. We want to help make this process easier for you. BioPride is a one-week program that introduces university-level biology coursework before the semester begins. You’ll get a preview of the university experience by attending lectures and participating in laboratory experiments. Boost your success by learning note-taking and testing strategies from current biology students. This program is designed for incoming freshmen majoring in Biological Sciences and those pursuing a pre-professional program that requires BSC 1406.
August 18-21, 2023
East Texas A&M University
$100 registration covers meals, a t-shirt and e-textbook with Mastering Biology access.
Get a Head Start on Your Freshman Biology Courses
Gain insight into what college courses look like by attending lectures with our biology faculty. You’ll be introduced to concepts covered in your freshman biology classes by attending lectures, so you can familiarize yourself with the material before the semester even begins. Familiarize yourself with teaching styles and delivery techniques you’ll see in the upcoming semesters.

Learn Life Skills Needed for Success
You’ll develop essential study skills, note-taking strategies and time management techniques needed for success. You’ll get a glimpse of what college biology exams look like by taking practice exams. Practice your exam strategies and test-taking skills without the fear of grades!

Meet Your Fellow Lions
BioPride is a great opportunity to start building relationships with your peers and educators. This program provides you with the chance to get to know the faculty and staff who will be teaching your biology classes throughout the remainder of your college career. You will also get a chance to meet other students in your freshman classes and upper-level students pursuing the same field as you. Gain experience navigating campus and become familiar with the Keith D. McFarland Science Building, where many of your science lectures and labs will be held.
Contact Us
- Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- 903.886.5378
- [email protected]