Email Signature

We've designed a template that creates a more consistent university-wide email presence while also allowing individuals to customize the amount of information they include. Keep in mind our email signature best practices while deciding what you need to include, which can be found below.

Robust Example

Example of robust email signature.

Minimal Example

Example of minimal email signature.

Signature Best Practices

Excessively long or overused email signatures can add unnecessary length and burden to email threads. Keep it short and simple. Include only essential information that people need on a daily basis. Also, be thoughtful when you use an email signature. It is not needed on every email. Add it to all emails intended for external audiences, but only add it to the first email when communicating with on-campus audiences.

  • ADDRESSES: Do not include a street address or building information unless you frequently host visitors. Do not include a mailing address unless it is frequently requested.
  • EMAIL: Do not include your email address. It is already included in your email message.
  • FAX: Do not include fax numbers unless you frequently receive faxes.
  • COMMITTEES: Do not include any committees or positions you hold outside of ETAMU.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA: Do not include personal social media accounts. Instead, include university accounts.
  • LOGOS: Do not include unit logos.
  • CLAUSES: Do not include extra statements such as scheduling appointments, links to downloads or member statements.
  • QUOTES: Do not include quotes. They may be perceived as university-wide statements and beliefs.


Stationery can be customized to include your unit’s name and contact information. To get a print order started, contact Latson's or Personalized Printing. A Microsoft Word template is available to meet your digital letterhead needs. If you have our brand font, Din, installed, please use the file named Letterhead Template-Din. Otherwise, use Letterhead Template-Minion.

CV Template

While it is not required to use the suggested CV template, please note the use of a retired logo on your university CV is out of compliance with our current brand guidelines.

InDesign Templates

As a student or employee of the university, you have access to the entire Adobe Creative Cloud suite including inDesign, the industry standard for layout design. Download these templates and add your text.


Blue Save the Date


Blue Invitation


Casual Invitation


#10 Envelope

Direct Marketing

Double Sided Flyer

Direct Marketing

Postcard Template 1

Direct Marketing

Postcard Template 2

Direct Marketing

Postcard Template 3

Digital Communication

Email Header 1

Digital Communication

Email Header 2

Zoom Backgrounds

Brand Guidelines :: Zoom Backgrounds :: Logo Backgrounds

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Brand Guidelines :: Zoom Backgrounds :: Campus Photos

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Brand Guidelines :: Zoom Backgrounds :: Blue Campus Photos

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Brand Guidelines :: Zoom Backgrounds :: Casual

Back to menu

Social Media Profile image

When creating avatars, we recommend using the following templates. If you choose not to use this template, follow all logo use guidelines outlined in this document. Only the main ETAMU and athletic channels should use the lion head by itself.

Profile and Feed Views

Choose photos or illustrations that uniquely represent your area.

Or you may use the name of your unit or organization.

When appropriate, abbreviate or use an acronym.

Or you may shorten the name and use title caps.

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  • Binnion Hall, 140
  • 1500 Education Drive
  • Commerce, TX 75428
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