Philanthropy and Engagement

One world-one week-one festival
The MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival found its way to Commerce this year, bringing with it selected shorts from all over the world in an exciting evening full of suspense, romance, an...

Seeing Pink
“Never appear taller than your date.” “You're fat.” “Do what you can to keep your husband happy…” These were just a few of the visceral statements artist Libby Rowe uses in her perfo...

University Hosts First Puppet Festival: A Festival of Felt
Spring of 2014 the university hosted its first Puppet Festival, a 90-minute show featuring live puppet performances interspersed with video...

The new adventures of Sydni Walker, in-flight intern
The competition for the editorial internship program with Southwest Airlines is intense. With 28,000 others vying for a spot, A&M-Comme...

Vivian Tomlinson’s advice: Make a good name for yourself
Vivian Tomlinson is right at home in a classroom. Addressing a room full of graduate students eager to hear her advice about the job market and in...

Documenting War and Homecoming
“The first class I never slept in was a photography class,” Alumni Ambassador Erin Trieb tells an enraptured standing-room-only audience in the Hall of Languages. Trieb talks ab...

Dr. Jill Carroll speaks
An engaging, lively and yet profound speaker, Dr. Carroll gave two lectures on campus: first she addressed an audience of A&M-Commerce students from the Gender Studies prog...

A minor in major Ideas: Gender studies
The College of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts offers undergraduates the chance to minor in gender studies. The classes that may be appli...

Fourth Annual Humor Conference
Researchers in the fields of linguistics, communication and literature gathered at A&M-Commerce at Rockwall on February 21-23 to share their work. The conference include...

Art Professor Leigh Merrill’s Work is Everywhere
Professor Leigh Merrill's work is currently on display at two exhibitions: “In Addition Two” at the Museum of Texas Tech University in Lubbock...

Richard Miller encourages students and faculty to be engaged and be engaging — yes — but, Be Interested
Rutgers University professor Richard Miller poses a question to his audience of literature and languages students and faculty members: “In a world of superabundant informatio...

Michael Farris Smith and R. Flowers Rivera continue Author Series Southern Style
A&M-Commerce's Literature and Languages Department welcomed two southern writers as part of the author series initiated by Department Head Hunter Hayes last year. Noveli...

CSI: The final
When Louis Lufkin, Program Coordinator for the M.S. in Applied Criminology set up his first class final exam crime scene in 2010, he knew he was onto something. “The students were e...

A&M-Commerce Honors Alumna Jo Ann Durham
A&M-Commerce and its Department of Art recognized award-winning artist and alumna Jo Ann Durham with a reception in her honor on Nov. 2. Th...

A&M-Commerce Alumni Association Receptions
The Texas A&M University-Commerce Alumni Association will be hosting two receptions for alumni in coming weeks. The first will be for alu...

Why Major in Liberal Studies?
Our Liberal Studies major is one of the fastest growing of the college. I asked Dr. Donna Dunbar-Odom, head of Liberal Studies, what might be contributing to that popularity. “It'...

Rep. Ralph Hall Finalizes Donation of Papers to University
Congressman Ralph Hall finalized the donation of his personal papers and memorabilia to Texas A&M University-Commerce today in a signin...

President’s Club
Those who give to the university play a vital role in protecting and nurturing our tradition of academic excellence. Whether supporting a special campaign, build an endowment fu...