Awards and Achievements

University Team Places Second in Calculus Bowl Competition
Twenty Texas A&M University-Commerce students recently participated in the Calculus Bowl Competition at the 96th Annual Conference of...

Graduate Students Win Big at Graduate Student Research Symposium
Two Graduate students at Texas A&M University-Commerce won awards at this year's Federation of North Texas Area Universities' Graduate...

Two QEP Team Members Win First Place at Graduate Research Symposium
The QEP team recently participated in two graduate research symposiums. On April 7, they presented for various judges at the A&M-Comm...

A Community-Based Approach to Building the Capacity of Physics Teacher Preparation
The Department of Physics & Astronomy along with the Department of Curriculum & Instruction has been awarded $74,941 for a Capacity Building project within the Rober...

Dr. Sakoglu Awarded ProQuest Inc. Research Grant
ProQuest Inc. has awarded Dr. Unal “Zak” Sakoglu a research grant to research and develop efficient Enterprise Information Management syste...

Dr. "Chuck" Arize Receives Lions Legacy Distinguished Professor of Business Administration Title
Dr. Augustine “Chuck” Arize was recently awarded the Lions Legacy Distinguished Professor of Business Administration title. Since 1975, the College of Business at Texas A&...

Dr. Srinivas Nippani Awarded Regents Professor Award at Spring Convocation
Texas A&M University-Commerce held its Spring 2016 Convocation in honor of Dr. Srinivas Nippani being awarded with the Regents Professor Award. The Convocation took place...

University Students Participate in the SAEA Undergraduate Quiz Bowl Competition
The Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) held its annual Quiz Bowl during its yearly meeting February 6-9 in San Antonio. Five students from Texas A&M Univer...

Dr. Sakoglu Awarded With U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship
Dr. Unal “Zak” Sakoglu of the Computer Science Department was awarded with a U.S. Air Force Research Lab (ARFL) Summer Faculty Fellowship award for the summer of 2016. Sakoglu won...

University Student Named Nancy Larson Foundation Scholar
The Nancy Larson Foundation has named Texas A&M University-Commerce student, LaShuna Anderson, as a Nancy Larson Foundation Scholar. T...

University Gets New Ranking by the Carnegie Classification 2015 Update
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of its students, administrators, faculty and staff, Texas A&M University-Commerce has been classified as Doctoral University-High...

Columbia Advisory Group Endows Scholarship to University
Texas A&M University-Commerce is would like to thank Columbia Advisory Group for committing to provide a $30,000 scholarship endowment...

Political Science Student Receives Fellowship to Travel to Qatar
The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations recently selected Texas A&M University-Commerce political science and Honors College stu...

Hunt County Public Art to Install Pieces by University-Connected Artists
The 2016 Hunt County Public Art project will install three major pieces of artwork this year by artists with connections to Texas A&M University-Commerce. Hunt County Publi...

Alumni Relations to Host 33rd Annual Alumni Ambassador Forum
Texas A&M University-Commerce Alumni Relations and The Division of Academic Affairs will host the 33rd Annual Alumni Ambassador Forum o...

U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Awards Fellowship to Dr. Sakoglu
The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) awarded a Summer Faculty Research Award to Department of Computer Science Assistant Professor...

Dr. David Brown selected for System Chancellor’s Academy of Teacher Educators
Early Childhood Education Professor Dr. David Brown will be inducted into The Texas A&M System Chancellor's Academy of Teacher Educators. The academy celebrates teacher e...

Library Science Program Ranks No. 6 on Graduate Programs Website
Texas A&M University-Commerce has been ranked No. 6 in the Top 25 Library Science Degree Online Graduate Programs list on graduateprogra...

Education Program Ranks No. 2 on Graduate Programs Website
Texas A&M University-Commerce has been ranked No. 2 in the Top 25 Online Elementary Education Graduate Programs list on graduateprogram...

Counseling Program Ranks No. 23 on Graduate Programs Website
Texas A&M University-Commerce has been ranked No. 23 in the Top 25 Best Counseling Education Graduate Programs list on graduateprograms...