Awards and Achievements

TAMUC Scholar-Athlete Tapped for Second-Team All-Academic Honors
A&M-Commerce scholar-athlete Casey Novelo earned Southland Conference second team all-academic honors for men's cross country in 202...

TAMUC Alum Named Provost of Midwestern State University
A Texas A&M University-Commerce alum was recently named to a top leadership position at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Te...

TEA Appoints TAMUC Alum as Deputy Commissioner of School Programs
The Texas Education Agency recently confirmed its appointment of A&M-Commerce alum Dr. Shannon Trejo ('23) as deputy commissioner for i...

A&M-Commerce Physics Students Earn National Recognition
The Texas A&M University-Commerce chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has won a 2022-23 Outstanding Chapter Award from the S...

TAMUC Doctoral Student Named 2023 Administrator for the Gifted
The Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT) named A&M-Commerce doctoral student Cheryl Beard as its 2023 TAGT Administra...

Educational Leadership Council Names TAMUC Professor ‘Living Legend’
The International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) selected A&M-Commerce faculty Dr. Nathan R. Templeton as the recipient of its 2024 Living Legen...

TAMUC Agriculture Professor Named A&M System Regents Professor for 2023-24
Texas A&M University-Commerce Professor of Horticulture Dr. Derald Harp was recently honored as a Texas A&M University System Regents Professor. The A&M System B...

TAMUC Students Advance to State Competition for Future Educators
A&M-Commerce students comprising Texas Educators' Affiliate—the A&M-Commerce chapter of the Texas Association of Future Educat...

Strokes of Brilliance—10 TAMUC Alumni with Successful Artistic Careers
Did you know that A&M-Commerce has produced several talented and incredibly successful artists? “Successful” as in famous, well known and award-winning! Whether you're s...

TAMUC Alum Tapped as Associate Provost at UT Martin
A&M-Commerce alum Dr. Stephanie Kolitsch ('87) is the new associate provost for academic affairs at the University of Tennessee at Marti...

A&M-Commerce Alumna Named to 2023 ‘Women in Business’ List by Dallas Business Journal
Lion alum Jennifer Lacy was named as one of the 2023 “Women in Business” by the Dallas Business Journal. Lacy, a 1995 graduate of East Texas State University (now Texa...

TAMUC’s Whitley Hall Renovations Recognized in National Publication
The renovations completed at the Whitley residence hall at Texas A&M University-Commerce in 2022 were recently featured in an issue of American School and University Magaz...

Visual Communication Faculty Featured in Industry Magazine
In the November issue of Graphis Journal magazine, Associate Professor of Visual Communication and Assistant Head of the Department of Art Jo...

A&M-Commerce Emerges as the Fastest-Growing Public University in Texas
Texas A&M University-Commerce is the fastest-growing public university in Texas according to recent data from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The...

U.S. News & World Report Ranks A&M-Commerce #58 in the Nation for Social Mobility
U.S. News & World Report recently announced a few of its highly anticipated 2024 university rankings, and Texas A&M University-Commerce has placed 58th in the nation fo...

TAMUC Alum Gives Perspective of Successful Anime Career
Amanda Gish (left) and a few of the colorful characters she has given voice to Texas A&M University-Commerce alum Amanda Gish was recently...

A&M-Commerce Professors Team to Publish Book on Mental Health
Drs. Dimitra Smith and LaVelle Hendricks have published their latest book “Changing the Stigma of Mental Health Among African Americans: Mov...

A&M-Commerce Alum Elected to National Health Center Board
A&M-Commerce alum Stan McKee has been elected to a two-year term serving as a health center board member representative to the board of dir...

A&M-Commerce Faculty Secure $100k College Readiness Grant
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has selected A&M-Commerce to receive a $100,000 College Readiness and Success Models gra...

A&M-Commerce Professor Selected as Researcher of the Year
The Texas Council of Professors of Educational Administration (TCPEA) has selected A&M-Commerce faculty Dr. Kriss Kemp-Graham to rece...