
New Dallas location: 8750 NCX
As you have surely heard by now, Texas A&M University-Commerce has secured the 19th and 20th floors of 8750 North Central Expressway to increase our footprint in Dallas. The b...

Dan Bandi – Alumni Highlight and Event
Mr. Dan Bandi, CFA, spoke to students of the finance society and others on March 3, 2021 at 6 pm. The topic of his discussion was “Careers in...

Spring Alumni Networking Event
Attendees learned about the day-to-day functions of each job and what employers are looking for within these specific industries. The panelists provided information about how...

TAMUC Alum Named Top Woman in Technology
A&M-Commerce alumna Tiffany Ricks was recognized by Our Community Now (OCN) as one of 10 Inspiring Female Founders in Dallas-Fort Worth....

Female Entrepreneur Panel
On Wednesday, February 24th, the Marketing and Engagement Committee sponsored the traditional “Panels with Scott Series” on female entrepreneurs. This is the first virtual pa...

COB Surprises Local Nursing Home
On the 14th of February, 2021, the Marketing and Engagement Committee, on behalf of the College of Business (COB) at A&M-Commerce, sponsored a COVID safe visit to the Woodmoo...

TAMUC Gives Faculty Access to Powerful Tools with New Oracle Academy Partnership
Faculty at Texas A&M University-Commerce now have free access to a suite of powerful tools thanks to a recent partnership between the university and Oracle Academy. Program...

Center for Business Excellence Promotes Training and Consulting Services
The Center for Business Excellence at A&M-Commerce is available to provide organizations with customized business training programs and consulting services. Visit the C...

A&M-Commerce Nationally Ranked by U.S. News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report has ranked several programs at Texas A&M University-Commerce among the top in the nation for 2021. Every year...

CFE analyzes advantages of local business
Dr. Yuying Shi, assistant professor of marketing, and Frank M. Smith, director for the COB Center for Excellence, led a group of six students wh...

CFE leads feasibility study
Dr. Mohamed Komaki, assistant professor of business analytics and Frank M. Smith, director of the COB Center for Excellence, led a group of six students on a feasibility study of b...

CFE partners with UTRWD
The College of Business Center for Business Excellence participated in a project for the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD). The Project was managed and directed by D...

Dr. Benavidez speaks to CHS students
Commerce High School Students attended Dr. Dawn Gomez’s Workplace Fundamentals Course and distinguished alumnus Mr. Joe Griffith’s Effective Communications M...

A&M-Commerce College of Business Receives Prestigious Recognition with IMA Endorsement
Texas A&M University-Commerce's Department of Accounting and Finance received prestigious recognition after its course offerings were endorsed by the Institute of Mana...

Dr. Mario Hayek Appointed Dean of A&M-Commerce College of Business
Texas A&M University-Commerce President Mark Rudin announced that Dr. Mario Hayek has been appointed as the new dean of the university's College of Business. Hayek has been...

Fall Alumni Networking Event
On Wednesday, November 11, the Marketing and Engagement Committee held the first alumni networking event. Our goal was to have alumni network and give the current students an opp...
Alum Jim Larimore Appointed Chief Officer of Riiid Labs
A&M-Commerce alum Jim Larimore was recently appointed as chief officer for Equity in Learning at Riiid Labs in San Ramon, California. A re...

A&M-Commerce Professor Joins Purdue Faculty After 28 Years as a Lion
Dr. Elva A. Resendez, faculty member in the Department of Management and Economics at A&M-Commerce, has accepted a position at Purdue University Fort Wayne (IN). She will as...

Accounting Student Receives Noteworthy PCAOB Scholarship
Dr. Jim Hamill, head of the Department of Accounting and Finance at Texas A&M University-Commerce, recently announced that accounting s...
Journal Editor Calls for Papers to be Included in COVID-19 Special Issue
Dr. Brandon Randolph-Seng, associate professor of management at Texas A&M University-Commerce, serves as editor-in-chief for the journal “Management Decision.” In res...