
A&M-Commerce Stands Out in National Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report just released its highly anticipated university rankings for 2023, and Texas A&M University-Commerce earned top-100 recognition in five cove...

Mastering it at 70: Meet Gaby Neason
It’s no secret that education is a timeless gift and an investment that has no age limit. A case in point is Gaby Neason, a candidate for her Master of Science in Management at T...

LPGas Magazine Highlights TAMUC Alum Duncan McMurchie
A recent article in LPGas magazine reports that A&M-Commerce alumnus Duncan McMurchie has been hired as a new associate at financial advi...

A&M-Commerce Names New Interim Dean of the College of Business
The College of Business at Texas A&M University-Commerce will see a leadership change in the new year. Effective January 9, 2023, A&M-Commerce alumnus and business exe...

College of Business Student Awarded TXCPA Scholarship
Texas A&M University-Commerce student Quyen Duong was recently awarded an Accounting Education Foundation Scholarship from the Texas...

Dr. Guclu Atinc Joins Dr. Brandon Randolph-Seng on Management Decision’s Editorial Leadership Team
Dr. Guclu Atinc, professor of management at A&M-Commerce, has recently been invited to serve as the senior associate editor of “Management Decision,” a leadi...

One Big Lion Family: Four Relatives Attend TAMUC at the Same Time
Texas A&M University-Commerce prides itself on creating an atmosphere where Lions feel like family. Currently, a quartet of university students share the Lion family dyna...

A&M-Commerce hosts ‘Datathon’ competition
The A&M-Commerce College of Business, in collaboration with Infosys, a global leader in next-generation technology and consulting, or...

Lions Recall TAMUC Experiences as Part of International Education Week
During the Transforming Lives: International Alumni Panel at Texas A&M University-Commerce on Nov. 16, several Lions discussed their experiences as international stude...

Operations Management Students Tour Clayton Homes
Students in the Operations Management 307 (MGT-307) course at A&M-Commerce accompanied Assistant Professor Dr. Mojtaba Salarpour on a...

Building Better Futures: Connecting Students with Businesses
The Department of Career Development and the College of Business at A&M-Commerce partnered to host the “COB Career Day” on N...

Ribbon Cutting Commemorates Reopening of Lyday Gardens
A&M-Commerce welcomed alumni Gary and Sandra Fernandes to campus on Oct. 21 to cut the ribbon and officially reopen Lyday Gardens. The Fer...

College of Business Graduate Associates Take Part in a Dallas Cultural Experience
The administrative associates from the College of Business hosted their graduate assistants (GAs) on October 23, 2022, to a fully immersive cultural experience to discover Dal...

Money Management Workshop with Alumnus Christina Brooks
The A&M-Commerce College of Business' chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) hosted Christina Brooks from Tho...

Department of Management and Economics Hosts Luncheon with First Masters of Supply Chain Management Students
The Department of Management and Economics at A&M-Commerce held a luncheon on October 14 for international students of the newly launched Master of Supply Chain Management...

College Recruiter Bailey Price Hosts “How to Prepare for the Workplace” Workshop
The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), hosted Lane Gorman Trubitt's Baily Price for a webinar entitled “How to Prepare for the Workplace”. Bailey,...

‘Brand and Land’ Workshop with John Signo
Career Development hosted none other than a speaker, presenter, and owner of the ‘Brand and Land' events John Signo to host a one-of-a-kind wor...

Meet Laurin Kolb, A College of Business Graduate scholarship recipient.
Starting in the fall semester of each academic year, The College of Business at Texas A&M University-Commerce awards several scholarships to assist incoming graduate stud...

Becker’s Kim Holland Explores Accounting Career Opportunities with College of Business
Kim Holland, senior account manager at Becker Professional Education, was invited to A&M-Commerce Senior Lecturer Cheryl Scott’s ACCT 2301 and 311 classes on Octob...

Marketing and Business Analytics Student Organization Hosts Annual Welcome Orientation
The A&M-Commerce Marketing and Business Analytics (MKTBA) student organization hosted its annual welcoming orientation to new members on October 4, 2022 at the A&M-C...