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A&M-Commerce Launches Competency-Based Safety and Health Degree Program
The College of Innovation and Design at Texas A&M University-Commerce is launching a new competency-based program. The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Safety and H...

A&M-Commerce Community Psychology Clinic Finding New Ways to Serve
Under the leadership of director Tina Borke, the Community Psychology Clinic at Texas A&M University-Commerce is finding innovative ways to provide mental health service...

A&M-Commerce Offers Multiple Pathways for Aspiring Latino Educators and Leaders
Texas A&M University-Commerce is committed to growing the number of Latino educators in Dallas ISD and school districts throughout the region. Rene Martinez, community ac...

A&M-Commerce Will Shine Blue for World Teachers’ Day
Texas A&M University-Commerce will shine blue again this year, joining campuses across The Texas A&M University System in recognit...

Texas A&M University-Commerce Accepts Invitation to Southland Conference
By Josh Manck, Lion Athletics COMMERCE – The Southland Conference, following the unanimous approval of its presidential Board of Directors, has extended an invitatio...

A&M-Commerce Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Program Earns Accreditation
The Department of Engineering and Technology at Texas A&M University-Commerce recently announced that its Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering is newly accredi...

From the White House to TAMUC: Alumnus Makes “Historic” Gift
As a White House liaison for the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, Ted Crim was privileged to watch American history unfo...

TAMUC College of Education and Human Services to Host Second Annual Symposium Virtually
The College of Education and Human Services at Texas A&M University-Commerce is set to host its second annual symposium, titled “Education: A Vision for Healing Society.” T...

TAMUC Alum Designs Cranial Prosthesis With Cornell University Team
In the two years since graduating from Texas A&M University-Commerce, Karli Thornton has been busy changing the world. She has worked int...

Commerce ISD and TAMUC Celebrate 10-Year Dual-Credit Partnership
This year marks the tenth anniversary of a successful dual-credit partnership between Commerce ISD and Texas A&M University-Commerce....

A&M-Commerce Awarded Funding for Augmented Reality Research
Texas A&M University-Commerce faculty members Shulan Lu, professor of psychology and Derek Harter, associate professor of computer sc...

A&M-Commerce Recognized with Vetted Teacher Residency Distinction
The Texas Education Agency recently designated Texas A&M University-Commerce with the Vetted Teacher Residency distinction along with nine other programs in Texas. Sher...

TAMUC Sport and Recreation Management Board Member Takes Shot at the NBA
Nicole Britenriker, a three-year member of the expert advisory board that helps guide the Sport and Recreation Management program at Texas A&M University-Commerce, is tak...

Honors College Student Finds Ingredients for Success at A&M-Commerce
Noah Garcia, an Honors College student at Texas A&M University-Commerce, is cooking up a recipe for success by exploring the history of food with his podcast series, “A Bit Ab...

ResponsiveEd Partnership Increases Access to Higher Education
A new partnership between Texas A&M University-Commerce and Responsive Education Solutions (ResponsiveEd) opens new opportunities f...

From Ashes We Rise: TAMUC Senior Films NBA/MLB Sportscaster’s Inspirational Story of Survival
The story of Jerry Schemmel—renowned sportscaster, ultra-distance cyclist and plane crash survivor—is one of inspiration, hope and survival. Now, Schemmel is working with Te...

TAMUC and The Texas A&M University System to Observe New National Holiday
BRYAN/ COLLEGE-STATION, Texas — The Texas A&M University System will shut down Friday, June 18, in observance of Juneteenth being designated a national holiday, Chancello...

College of Business Alumnus Provides Gift to Establish Funderburk Scholarship
Professor Emeritus Dale Funderburk created a legacy of excellence in the College of Business at Texas A&M University-Commerce during his 52-year teaching career. A new sch...

Endowment Honors Turners’ Impact on TAMUC and Texas Education
Professor Emeritus Lynn Turner holds an important place in Texas A&M University-Commerce history. As one of the original faculty member...

TAMUC Providing Unique, Protected Technology Solutions Through Dell Partnership
Students, faculty and staff at Texas A&M University-Commerce can have peace of mind when searching for computers for school, thanks to a recent partnership with Dell Techno...