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A&M-Commerce Partners with IDRA for Groundbreaking Collaboration
Texas A&M University-Commerce and the Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) are partnering to create a trailblazing...

A&M-Commerce Named One of Nation’s Top Teacher Prep Programs by NCTQ
The undergraduate elementary teacher preparation program at A&M-Commerce has been named among the top in the country by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), a no...

A&M-Commerce Partners with The George Floyd Memorial Foundation
Texas A&M University-Commerce and The George Floyd Memorial Foundation have teamed up to launch the Be His Legacy Internship Program. Th...

A&M-Commerce Educational Leadership Professor to be Honored by ICPEL
Dr. Julia Ballenger, professor of educational leadership at Texas A&M University-Commerce. The International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) r...

A&M-Commerce Venture College Student Produces Innovative Sports Glove Cleaner
Students at A&M-Commerce's Venture College are launching creative products and incubating innovative ideas that may change the world. One such student is Demaria Heath, a...

Dr. Mario Hayek Appointed Dean of A&M-Commerce College of Business
Texas A&M University-Commerce President Mark Rudin announced that Dr. Mario Hayek has been appointed as the new dean of the university's College of Business. Hayek has been...

Poverty Simulation Provides Insight for A&M-Commerce Students and Educators
In fall 2018, the Department of Nursing at Texas A&M University-Commerce purchased a poverty simulation developed by the Missouri Association for Community Action, Inc. T...

A&M-Commerce Hosts Virtual Signing Day for Partnership with Multiple Organizations
Texas A&M University-Commerce hosted a virtual signing day on October 29 to commemorate partnerships with some of the most impactful professional organizations in Texas....

A&M-Commerce Experiencing Success with Vital Quail Translocation Effort
With Texas’ native Bobwhite Quail population down for another quail season, the path to a more sustainable quail population in Texas is underway thanks to efforts by The Qu...

A&M-Commerce Department of Nursing Awarded Innovation Grant
The Department of Nursing at Texas A&M University-Commerce has been selected for a Nursing Innovation Grant Program award under the 2020...

A&M-Commerce, Mesquite ISD Partner to Increase Educator Mastery and Retention
Dr. Susan Williams, director of the Mesquite ISD/TAMUC Partnership at Texas A&M University-Commerce, recently shared information about the Excellence in Teaching Incen...

Buildings Lit Up in Blue at All 11 Texas A&M University System Campuses for World Teachers’ Day
BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Blue lights will shine bright on Texas A&M University System campuses across Texas on Monday in recognition of World Teachers' Day. The 11 uni...

Dr. Augustine “Chuck” Arize Junior Faculty Award Ceremony Honors Outstanding Faculty
A&M-Commerce Faculty Senate and the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) will honor fifteen outstanding faculty members during the second an...

A&M-Commerce Sport and Recreation Management Alumni Setting the Bar High
Graduates of the sport and recreation management program at Texas A&M University-Commerce are finding success from coast to coast according to Dr. Clay Bolton, assistant p...

A&M-Commerce College of Education and Human Services Hosts Symposium on Racism
The College of Education and Human Services (CoEHS) at Texas A&M University-Commerce will host a virtual symposium, “What Truth Sounds Like,” on September 24 from 9 a.m. to 1...

A&M-Commerce Elevates Status as Leader in Physics Teacher Education
The Texas A&M University-Commerce Department of Physics and Astronomy recently received additional funding from the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) to le...

A&M-Commerce Announces Decision to Change Name of Lake, Library
As expressed in our Strategic Plan, we embrace diversity, equity and inclusion on our campus. We strive to create an environment where every in...

The Welcome Center Serves as the University’s New “Front Door”
The former One Stop Shop at A&M-Commerce recently reorganized and reopened as The Welcome Center. Located on the east edge of campus, The W...

A&M-Commerce Planetarium & Observatory Offer the Universe to Students and Community
The Planetarium and the Observatory at Texas A&M University-Commerce offer an astronomical amount of knowledge to students and the community. Located on the first floor of...

Texas A&M System Inks Deal for Free COVID-19 Testing for All Students, Faculty and Staff
Students, faculty and staff at all 11 Texas A&M System universities across the state will soon have quick and easy access to free testing for COVID-19. “Ensuring the health an...