Giving Back

East Texas A&M Launches Lucky’s Reading Program With Support From Signature Solar
With a goal to promote reading among elementary school youth across Northeast Texas, East Texas A&M University launched Lucky's Reading Program earlier this fall with support from Signature Solar.

Lions Feeding Lions: Match Challenge Brings Big Support to the Lion Food Pantry
Alumni Freddy and Margaret (Muffy) O’Pry presented the Lion Food Pantry with a $30,000 check on February 13 at the pantry’s grand reopening in the university’...

A&M-Commerce Students Gain Skills for Healthy, Affordable Cooking
The Department of Health and Human Performance at A&M-Commerce, in conjunction with the Lions Coalition for Accessible Needs, recently...

A&M-Commerce Invests in Employees with New Professional Development Series
Amid post-pandemic trends in the workplace that focus on improving employee job satisfaction, a new professional development series at Texas A&M University-Commerce pro...

A&M-Commerce to Host Rural Mental Health Forum in Greenville
The Counseling Center and the Department of Health and Human Performance at Texas A&M University-Commerce are partnering to host a free rural mental health forum at Fletche...

A&M-Commerce Student Group Collects Holiday Cards for Troops
The A&M-Commerce chapter of the Texas Association of Future Educators hosted a table at the Rayburn Student Center on Nov. 17-18 to collec...

TAMUC First-Year Leadership Class Raises Money for Local Animal Shelter
Students in the First-Year Leadership Class (FLC) at Texas A&M University-Commerce put in many hours of hard work planning and executing a fundraising campaign to benefit t...

TAMUC Doctoral Candidate Interviewed on Kelly Clarkson Show
A&M-Commerce doctoral candidate Deon Johnson recently appeared on the Kelly Clarkson Show. Through his non-profit organization, Urba...

Continuing the Legacy: Ernest Hawkins’ Daughter Makes Planned Gift
Texas A&M University-Commerce is more than a beloved alma mater to Kathy Hawkins Campbell. It is her childhood home and the site of her father's legendary career. These stron...

TAMUC Law Enforcement Academy Cadets Raise Money for Charity
Cadets in the Hunt County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Academy located at A&M-Commerce participated in No-Shave November in 2021 as...

Paris Regional Medical Center Honors TAMUC Engineering and Technology Department at Appreciation Luncheon
Representatives from the Department of Engineering and Technology at A&M-Commerce attended a Dec. 15 luncheon at Paris Regional Medical Center (PRMC), where the departme...

TAMUC Alum McWhirter’s Estate Establishes Graduate Fellowships
Two new graduate fellowships will be available next year to students in the College of Education and Human Services at A&M-Commerce, than...

A&M-Commerce Fraternity Donates $9,000 to Area Food Bank
The Theta Xi chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity on the campus of Texas A&M University-Commerce recently donated $9,000 to the North T...

A&M-Commerce Endowment Promises to “Lift a Lion” to Graduation
The Texas A&M University-Commerce Lift a Lion initiative received a significant boost in February from the new Janis and Ralph Stroope Lift a Lion Endowment. Lift a Lion prov...

TAMUC Nursing Students Assist With Vaccination Efforts
Students with the Department of Nursing at A&M-Commerce are helping administer COVID-19 vaccinations at multiple locations across Nor...

Rosalie and Frank Turner Establish Endowed Professorship for Race Education at TAMUC
Award-winning novelist Rosalie Turner and her husband, Texas A&M University-Commerce alumnus Frank Turner, are doing their part to end systemic racism in America through...

Dr. Greg and Alicia Hulsey Recognized for Transformational Gift
Texas A&M University-Commerce and Lion Athletics recognized Dr. Greg and Alicia Hulsey with a ceremony Friday in recognition of their tr...

A&M-Commerce Alumna Making Big Plays in Professional Athlete Management
In her Dallas office, Brandy Runyan fondly recalls her time in the Health, Kinesiology and Sports Studies graduate program at Texas A&M University-Commerce. These days, sh...

A&M-Commerce ‘Cans It to COVID’ With Food Drive for University Food Pantry
More than 2,000 pounds of food was given to the Lion Food Pantry at Texas A&M University-Commerce as part of the “Can it to COVID” food drive. The Lion Food Pantry assists A&...

Lion Community Teams With Local Organizations for Hunt County Gives
Dozens of volunteers from Texas A&M University-Commerce and the community came together to offer their time and energy giving back to tho...