Outside the Classroom

Photography and Humanitarianism: Is There a Contradiction?
The Texas A&M University-Commerce Sam Rayburn Speaker Series proudly continues with a presentation from Jeremy Adelman, PhD, titled ...

A&M-Commerce Art Students Go to China
At the end of spring 2016, some design students from Texas A&M University-Commerce Department of Art along with their teachers took a trip...
Sigma Alpha Pi, The National Society of Leadership and Success at Texas A&M University-Commerce
The spring induction and awards ceremony into the honor society, Sigma Alpha Pi – National Society of Leadership and Success at Texas A&M University-Commerce was hel...
Study Abroad Program in Beijing, China
Ten Texas A&M University-Commerce College of Business students participated in a two-week cultural and educational exchange with Chin...

Assistant Director of the Counseling Center Featured in Counseling Today Magazine
By Julia Gessner and Sara Wray A recent issue of Counseling Today included a cover article titled “Coping with College” that featured comments by Texas A&M University-Comme...

Sigma Theta Tau International Comes to A&M-Commerce
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing has expanded its Iota Nu Chapter to include Texas A&M University-Commerce as of No...

Counseling Center Brings Back DeStress Fest
The Counseling Center at Texas A&M University-Commerce will host DeStress Fest on May 4 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. DeStress Fest will be scavenge...

Political Science Graduate Students Travel Abroad to Present Global Research
Four dedicated graduate students in the political science department attended two international conferences this semester to showcase their impressive research. Sarah Hays...

Graduate Students Win Big at Graduate Student Research Symposium
Two Graduate students at Texas A&M University-Commerce won awards at this year's Federation of North Texas Area Universities' Graduate...

University Students Attend TACSM
By Lexi Magruder This year the Texas chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (TACSM) met in College Station, Texas, on March 2-4. TACSM partnered with Texas A&M's D...

Counseling Center Hosts Balanced Living Workshop
The Counseling Center has been hosting the Balanced Living Workshop throughout the semester. The workshop is a drop-in five-week workshop th...

University Students Participate in the SAEA Undergraduate Quiz Bowl Competition
The Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) held its annual Quiz Bowl during its yearly meeting February 6-9 in San Antonio. Five students from Texas A&M Univer...

Hunt County Public Art to Install Pieces by University-Connected Artists
The 2016 Hunt County Public Art project will install three major pieces of artwork this year by artists with connections to Texas A&M University-Commerce. Hunt County Publi...

University Addresses Islamophobia
Texas A&M University-Commerce hosted Getting to Know You: Addressing Islamophobia through Mutual Understanding, Building Trust & Respect on February 2. The event wa...

Texas State Historian Bill O’Neal Kicks off Mini-Speaker Series
The Universities Center at Dallas and Texas A&M University-Commerce will kick off their Mini-Speaker Series on March 2 with Texas State H...

TABPHE to Host Awards Ceremony
The Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) will host an awards ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 6 in the Rayburn Student Center to recognize and honor facult...

Distinguished Alum Named Senior Vice President of NAHRO
Texas A&M University-Commerce Distinguished Alumnus Carl Richie, Jr. was recently sworn in as the Senior Vice President of the National...

Students Team Up with Univision for Education Week
Univision and Texas A&M University-Commerce students recently came together to help educate the community as part of Education Week. Un...

Shiza Shahid Visits A&M-Commerce
By Julia Gessner and Sara Wray Shiza Shahid recently spoke at Texas A&M University-Commerce as part of the William L. Mayo Prestigious Speaker Series. Featured on the Forbes...

New A&M-Commerce Equestrian Team Successful in Competition
The Texas A&M University-Commerce equestrian team, founded earlier this year, is comprised of students of diverse majors who practice r...