Press Release
Counseling Center Hosts Balanced Living Workshop
The Counseling Center has been hosting the Balanced Living Workshop throughout the semester. The workshop is a drop-in five-week workshop th...
Texas A&M University-Commerce Libraries Supports Culture, Diversity and Languages With New Online Resource
By Mango Languages Innovative learning begins with Mango Languages Texas A&M University-Commerce Libraries are excited to announce the availability of Mango Languages,...
Dr. "Chuck" Arize Receives Lions Legacy Distinguished Professor of Business Administration Title
Dr. Augustine “Chuck” Arize was recently awarded the Lions Legacy Distinguished Professor of Business Administration title. Since 1975, the College of Business at Texas A&...
Lalo Alcaraz Visits A&M-Commerce
By Sarah Northam Texas A&M University-Commerce is honored to host Lalo Alcaraz, a nationally known Chicano artist, writer and cartoonist, on Monday, April 4. The event will...
Dr. Srinivas Nippani Awarded Regents Professor Award at Spring Convocation
Texas A&M University-Commerce held its Spring 2016 Convocation in honor of Dr. Srinivas Nippani being awarded with the Regents Professor Award. The Convocation took place...
Employee Wellness Program to Host Film Screening
The Employee Wellness Program is hosting a free screening of “2001: A Space Odyssey” in the Texas A&M University-Commerce Planetarium in...
University Students Participate in the SAEA Undergraduate Quiz Bowl Competition
The Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) held its annual Quiz Bowl during its yearly meeting February 6-9 in San Antonio. Five students from Texas A&M Univer...
University to Host Spanish Film Club Festival
Texas A&M University-Commerce was recently awarded with a grant by the Spanish Film Club to host a cinematic event. Sponsored by PRAGDA (a...
Dr. Sakoglu Awarded With U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship
Dr. Unal “Zak” Sakoglu of the Computer Science Department was awarded with a U.S. Air Force Research Lab (ARFL) Summer Faculty Fellowship award for the summer of 2016. Sakoglu won...
University Gets New Ranking by the Carnegie Classification 2015 Update
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of its students, administrators, faculty and staff, Texas A&M University-Commerce has been classified as Doctoral University-High...
University Conducts Learning, Living, and Working Climate Survey
Texas A&M University-Commerce began distributing the Learning, Living, and Working Climate Survey on February 23. The survey was sent t...
Mathways MOU Allows for Seamless Transfer of Mathematics Credits
As a part of the innovative New Mathways Project, Texas A&M University-Commerce is pleased to sign a Mathways Memorandum of Understandin...
Hunt County Public Art to Install Pieces by University-Connected Artists
The 2016 Hunt County Public Art project will install three major pieces of artwork this year by artists with connections to Texas A&M University-Commerce. Hunt County Publi...
University Addresses Islamophobia
Texas A&M University-Commerce hosted Getting to Know You: Addressing Islamophobia through Mutual Understanding, Building Trust & Respect on February 2. The event wa...
Texas State Historian Bill O’Neal Kicks off Mini-Speaker Series
The Universities Center at Dallas and Texas A&M University-Commerce will kick off their Mini-Speaker Series on March 2 with Texas State H...
Alumni Relations to Host 33rd Annual Alumni Ambassador Forum
Texas A&M University-Commerce Alumni Relations and The Division of Academic Affairs will host the 33rd Annual Alumni Ambassador Forum o...
TABPHE to Host Awards Ceremony
The Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) will host an awards ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 6 in the Rayburn Student Center to recognize and honor facult...
University Visual Communication Alumnus and Current Instructor Gets Financial Boost from Ross Perot Jr.
Raul Varela (MFA '10) is a founding partner of PICKUP and serves as the chief brand officer. PICKUP, an Addison-based on-demand delivery service, has attracted several million d...
University Hosts the Texas Atomic Iron Commission: Exhibition and Iron Pour
The Department of Art is proud to present the Texas Atomic Iron Commission Juried Membership Exhibition and Iron Pour through Feb. 12 with the iron pour taking place on Jan. 26 at 1 p...
State Representative Gary VanDeaver Visits University
State Representative Gary VanDeaver recently visited campus to see how Texas A&M University-Commerce is implementing the Institute fo...