QEP committee

QEP Committee Monthly Meeting

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) committee held its second monthly meeting since the beginning of Fall 2016 on  October 6, 2016. Other than the customary delicious home-made f...

Global Events and Activities Meeting

On April 12, 2016, the QEP committee held its fourth meeting of the semester. This meeting focused on global events and activities with an in-depth conversation about departmen...

QEP Committee Monthly Meetings!

By: Christopher Woodard The QEP committee has had three successful meetings as we come to the midpoint of the spring semester. During each meeting the committee discusses topic...

QEP Fall Semester Summary

By:  Christopher R. Woodard The QEP team has had a great semester preparing students for an interconnected world. We encouraged students to get involved with global events aroun...
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