Research News
Thank Your QEP Representatives
The following individuals have contributed a great deal of time and energy into the creation of the A&M-Commerce Quality Enhancement Plan: Preparing Students for an Interc...
Here On Earth
Dr. William G. Newton—assistant professor of physics—spends his time researching nuclear physics, astrophysics and the connections between the two. He is also a great example...
Fearless Investigation
When you think of research, you may have a mental picture of a cloistered library, a pile of musty books and the card catalog. But the truth is that even library research is a digital w...
Collaboration Featured in “Social Psychology”
One Texas A&M University-Commerce psychology research laboratory was invited to participate in the “Many Labs” collaboration by profe...
A&M-Commerce Among Most Affordable Online Colleges in Texas
A&M-Commerce ranks No. 18 among “Online Colleges in Texas That Win on Affordability,” according to (AC O...
Faculty, Staff Recognized for Research Endeavors
On Nov. 14, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at A&M-Commerce held its inaugural Excellence in Research and Sponsored Progra...
A&M-Commerce Honors Alumna Jo Ann Durham
A&M-Commerce and its Department of Art recognized award-winning artist and alumna Jo Ann Durham with a reception in her honor on Nov. 2. Th...
Working on My Roar: Trying the New Thing
It's been a long time. I shouldn’t have left you without an update, but who knew just how busy things would get around here? With the absenc...
Campus hosts Author Series
Before reading from his most recent novel, “The Stolen Bride,” A&M-Commerce alumnus Tony Hays tells his audience, “I first came to this campus in 1981. Back the...
Drs. Cheriyath and Kopachena Named National Academies Education Fellows
The National Academies have named Drs. Venu Cheriyath and Jeffery Kopachena National Academies Education Fellows in the Life Sciences for the 2013-2014 academic year. The hono...
Sarah Northam Selected to Attend ACRL Immersion 2013
Sarah Northam, Head of Research and Instruction Services at James G. Gee Library at Texas A&M University-Commerce has been selected to at...
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings to Begin Oct. 10 at A&M-Commerce
Beginning Oct. 10, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) will hold support group meetings at A&M-Commerce every Thursday at 7 p.m. in room 120 of Binni...
My European Experience
Passport? Check. Sunscreen? Check. Italian travel dictionary, map of London and a list of fine French restaurants? Check, check, check. I had everything I needed for a trip I had b...
Freshman Success Students Assist with QEP
Over 500 Freshman Success students enrolled in 15 class sections recently participated in an intensive two-part project designed to provide...
QEP Updates Across Campus
Have you heard the most recent updates about the Texas A&M University-Commerce Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) – Preparing Students for an Interconnected World ? Dr....
Working on My Roar: Let The Good Times Roar?
If you were out and about during Lions Roar 2013, you may have seen me running around, “capturing the roar.” I've become a unique bl...
First Class of Regents’ Scholars Travels to Europe
The first group of seventeen students in the Regents' Scholars Program at Texas A&M University-Commerce recently returned to campus aft...
Trafficking Banned Books: Be a Librotraficante!
By Sarah Northam The Vice President for Student Access and Success, the Dean of the College of Humanities, Social Sciences & Arts, the Prov...
Dr. Salazar Appointed Senior Associate Editor of a Counseling Journal
Dr. Carmen F. Salazar, professor of Counseling in the Department of Psychology, Counseling and Special Education at Texas A&M Universit...
Dr. Curt Carlson Receives Award for Cognitive Research
Dr. Curt Carlson, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Texas A&M University-Commerce, was recently awarded the 2013 Junior Faculty Res...