Student Success

A&M-Commerce Future Educators Attend State Conference
The A&M-Commerce chapter of Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) attended the TAFE Teach Tomorrow Summit in Round Rock, Texas, M...

5 Steps to Your Dream Career: How to Move Closer to Your Career Goals This Semester
Career development is a journey. It's the process of exploring what you enjoy and don't enjoy, what you're good at and passionate about. It involves developing the skills you need...

TAMUC Students Showcase Their Work at Annual Juried Art Exhibition
Students majoring in Art at Texas A&M University-Commerce put their work on display to be judged by a guest artist as part of the annual Juri...

A&M-Commerce Students Excel at Pathways Research Symposium in Galveston
Forty-six A&M-Commerce students participated in the 18th annual Texas A&M University System Pathways Student Research Symposium held on March 2 and 3 at Texas A&M...

A&M-Commerce Students Present at Texas Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference
Several A&M-Commerce graduate students from the Department of Health and Human Performance made poster presentations at the Texas Chapter of the American College of Sport...

A&M-Commerce Researchers Developing Fire-Suppressing Drone Technology
A&M-Commerce faculty and students presented research at the Applied Emergency Management Research Grant Symposium on Feb. 21 in College Station, Texas. Dr. Burchan Aydin...

A&M-Commerce Construction Engineering Student Earns Scholarships
A&M-Commerce student Pauline Van received two scholarships at the 2023 TEXO Foundation Student Competition on Feb. 20; the Hill & Wi...

A&M-Commerce Students Earn Top Marks at Regional Research Forum
Students representing the Department of Biological and Environmental Science at A&M-Commerce presented at the 8th Annual LSUS Regiona...

A&M-Commerce Construction Students Participate in Regional Competition
Two teams of students from the Department of Engineering and Technology at A&M-Commerce participated in the 2023 TEXO Foundation Student Competition in Hurst, Texas, on Fe...

Hispanic and Latinx Student Union Founded at A&M-Commerce
Hispanic and Latinx students at Texas A&M University-Commerce have banded together to form a new student union with the goal of providing...

TAMUC Student and Faculty Featured on Good Morning Texas Segment
Texas A&M University-Commerce student Hannah Escobedo and Adjunct Professor Keisha Whaley were recently featured on a segment of “Good...

Students Finding Success Through A&M-Commerce at RELLIS
Six A&M-Commerce students attending A&M-Commerce at RELLIS in Bryan, Texas, graduated at the Fall 2022 commencement ceremony held...

A&M-Commerce Kappa Delta Pi Chapter Celebrates 75 Years
The A&M-Commerce Zeta Mu chapter of Kappa Delta Pi recently celebrated its 75-year anniversary. The chapter was founded in 1948. Kappa De...

Mastering it at 70: Meet Gaby Neason
It’s no secret that education is a timeless gift and an investment that has no age limit. A case in point is Gaby Neason, a candidate for her Master of Science in Management at T...

Graduates Give High Marks for TAMUC Region 10 Superintendent Certification Partnership
Two A&M-Commerce Region 10 ESC Superintendent Certification graduates shared their experiences in the Fall 2022 edition of Reach!, a biannual magazine published by the Re...

A&M-Commerce Society of Physics Students Chapter Maintains Top Status
The A&M-Commerce chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has received the national organization's Outstanding Chapter Award for the second consecutive year. The...

College of Business Student Awarded TXCPA Scholarship
Texas A&M University-Commerce student Quyen Duong was recently awarded an Accounting Education Foundation Scholarship from the Texas...

A&M-Commerce Chemistry Faculty, Students Present at Regional Meeting
Students and faculty representing the A&M-Commerce Department of Chemistry gave 12 presentations at the 78th American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting held N...

A&M-Commerce Students Attend, Compete at Regional Educator Conference
A&M-Commerce students, Susan Macias, Reagan Shaw and D'Andre Harrison (pictured left to right), participated in the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) Region 1...

A&M-Commerce Student Group Collects Holiday Cards for Troops
The A&M-Commerce chapter of the Texas Association of Future Educators hosted a table at the Rayburn Student Center on Nov. 17-18 to collec...