
A&M-Commerce Welcomes Region’s Best and Brightest Students
Forty-six of the region's top high school students visited Texas A&M University-Commerce October 9 to participate in “Top 10% Day,” a spe...

Engineering the Future
On October 8, the A&M-Commerce Field House was filled with a level of excitement usually found only at a sporting event. Complete with bands, cheerleaders, and fans, the next...
Dr. Mae Jemison speaks at chemistry celebration event
Dr. Mae Jemison, Space Shuttle Endeavor astronaut, chemical engineer and physician gave a keynote speech at the “Who is Chemistry” event Sept...
A&M-Commerce Achieves Record Enrollment for Fall
Texas A&M University-Commerce achieved its highest enrollment in school history at 3:41 p.m. August 24 after enrolling its 11,000th stu...

Campus Life Renewal
by Sara De La Rosa | Photo by Jared Horn Texas A&M University-Commerce welcomed a new residence hall to the southwest corner of campus this fall, the first step toward transf...

Bringing Performance To Life
by Randy Jolly October 21 was a beautiful clear day in Commerce. It was made even more gorgeous by the excitement surrounding the official grand opening and dedication of the $29 mi...

The Thread of Life
As part of the donors' breakfast held before the music building dedication, Chris Ramos presented his thoughts from the student perspective. We know you will appreciate the beau...

Class Notes, Fall 2011
1950s Naomi C. Bledsoe (B.S. '56, M.S. '68) is an author at the age of 91 with her book I Wouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now. 1960s Shirley Cooper (B.A. '65) was honored as one of 2...
A Champion’s Spirit
by Ashley Johnson | Photo by Jason Flowers As James Thrower looked up at the fans towering over him at Franklin Field, and down at his jersey, the white Philadelphia Eagles' wings...
Wrapped in Sisterhood
by Ashley Johnson | Photo by Jason Flowers Growing up in Gilmer, Texas was idyllic for Sarah Sharp Allen. “It was a time when you still had the freedom to roam the streets as a child,...

Leading the KD Way
by Ashley Johnson | Photos by Paul Bryan While most A&M-Commerce graduates exude excitement on graduation day, the moment was bittersweet for Emily Herron. “Some of the be...
When Norris Met Martha
by Ashley Johnson | Photo by Jason Flowers When Peggy Shaw stopped by Martha Faires' room in Binnion Hall in 1956, neither of them knew it would result in Martha meeting her Mr. Rig...

Never Too Late
by Ashley Johnson | Photo by Jason Flowers When Gloria Espinosa, the mobile mammography coordinator at UT Southwestern, was turned down for a promotion because she lacked a col...
A Dream Takes Flight
by Ashley Johnson | Photo by Jason Flowers Rex Driggers' 37-year career in aviation began with a uniform. “My senior year of high school, we visited the university for Career Day...

An Advocate for Access
by Sara De La Rosa | Photo by Paul Bryan The first in his family to graduate from high school, Fred Fuentes is no stranger to confronting challenges and turning them into opportuni...

A Garden Affair
by Ashley Johnson | Photo by Jason Flowers Life doesn't always turn out as planned. Sometimes, it's even better. “I always knew I would go to Texas A&M University-Commerce...

Beloved Alma Mater
Inspired by her time at A&M-Commerce, Ms. Dona Julian Cassel, set to work on a poetic tribute to her alma mater. Cassel, who has a B.S. in elementary education (1967) and a M.A in...

In Memory
1930s Charlene Melba King (B.S. '38, M.S. '40) 8-1-11 1940s Stanley H. Fox (B.B.A. '48) 4-30-11 Denver Walker (B.S. '42) 7-21-11 William M. Johnston (B.S. '49, M.Ed. '60) 7-21-11...

Campus Life Renewal
by Sara De La Rosa | Photo by Jared Horn Texas A&M University-Commerce welcomed a new residence hall to the southwest corner of campus this fall, the first step toward transf...
Ralph Hall: A Gentleman on the Hill
With an honest smile, a penchant for storytelling and tireless zeal, Congressman Ralph Hall represents all that is good in Washington D.C. There's no one I'd rather work for in Was...