
A&M-Commerce Alum Recognized as Top 100 Leaders in Education
Dr. Mary L. Thomas was recognized with the Top 100 Leaders in Education award at the second Global Forum for Education and Learning (GFEL) event...

Article Remembers TAMUC Bois d’ Arc Professor
A recent article in the Texarkana Gazette recalled the late A&M-Commerce professor Fred Tarpley, whose interest in the “magical” Bois d'...

A&M-Commerce Recognized with Vetted Teacher Residency Distinction
The Texas Education Agency recently designated Texas A&M University-Commerce with the Vetted Teacher Residency distinction along with nine other programs in Texas. Sher...

TAMUC Faculty Brownell Featured in Online ‘Ask an Expert’ Series
Dr. Gracie Brownell, assistant professor of social work at A&M-Commerce, is featured in an interview for MSW Online. The site interviewe...

Multiple A&M-Commerce Professors to Receive Junior Faculty Award
The A&M-Commerce Faculty Senate and the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education have selected eight outstanding facul...

A&M-Commerce to Host 2021 TAFE Area 11 Conference
A&M-Commerce will host the 2021 Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) Area 11 Conference this fall. The event will be held at the Ra...

Notable Texas Folklorist was a Former ETSU Professor
African American News and Issues recently published an article about former East Texas State University professor J. Mason Brewer. Brewer wa...

TAMUC Faculty Rodriguez Collaborates to Secure Nearly $1M in Research Funding
Dr. Sarah Rodriguez, associate professor of higher education and learning technologies at A&M-Commerce, is teaming up with Miami Dade College and the University of Florid...

TAMUC Alum McWhirter’s Estate Establishes Graduate Fellowships
Two new graduate fellowships will be available next year to students in the College of Education and Human Services at A&M-Commerce, than...

A&M-Commerce Faculty Newton, Fields, Receive Funding for Interdepartmental Research
The National Science Foundation recently awarded grant funding to A&M-Commerce faculty members Dr. William Newton, associate professor of physics and astronomy and Dr. M...

TAMUC Alumna Patti O’Bannon Named Principal of Texas High
A TXK Today article announced that TAMUC alumna Patti O'Bannon has been named the new principal of Texas High School in Texarkana, Texas. O'Ban...

Honors College Student Finds Ingredients for Success at A&M-Commerce
Noah Garcia, an Honors College student at Texas A&M University-Commerce, is cooking up a recipe for success by exploring the history of food with his podcast series, “A Bit Ab...

Alumnus Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award
A recent press release announced that East Texas State University alumnus Christopher S. Adams, Jr., Retired Major General with the United St...

TAMUC Alum Named Executive Director at Killeen ISD
A&M-Commerce alumna Nicole Koch was named executive director for strategic initiatives and accountability at Killeen ISD. Koch is a for...

Endowment Honors Turners’ Impact on TAMUC and Texas Education
Professor Emeritus Lynn Turner holds an important place in Texas A&M University-Commerce history. As one of the original faculty member...

TAMUC’s Morton Appointed to State Education Agency Committee
The Texas Education Agency appointed Dr. Tami Morton, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at A&M-Comme...

Retired TAMUC Faculty Holt Honored with Emeritus Distinction
Following his retirement after 10 years of service at Texas A&M University-Commerce, Chuck Holt, Ed.D., earned a new title when the Texas...

Governor Names TAMUC Alumna Andrade to State Board
Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently appointed A&M-Commerce alumna Katie Andrade to the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners for...
TAMUC Doctoral Counseling Students Place Second at Ethics Competition
Joy Teles Oliveira, Danielle McGarrh and Sarah Silveus, a team of three doctoral students representing the A&M-Commerce Department of C...

TAMUC Alumna Naturalized at George W. Bush Presidential Center
A&M-Commerce alumna Shabiha Nymphi was among 50 immigrants who were naturalized at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in College Sta...