
TAMUC’s Kimbrough Selected as TAHPERD President-Elect
The Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) recently selected Dr. Sandy Kimbrough, professor in t...

TAMUC’s Ballenger Named Texas A&M System Regents Professor
Dr. Julia Ballenger, professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Texas A&M University-Commerce, has been selected by The T...

TAMUC Professor Co-Authors Innovative Literacy and Bilingual Education Book
A&M-Commerce Assistant Professor Alexandra Babino, Ph.D., recently published a new book, “Radicalizing Literacies and Languaging: A Framework toward Dismantling the M...

Governor Names TAMUC Alumna to State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently appointed A&M-Commerce alumna, Sanjeeta Singg, Ph.D., to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists for a term set to expire in...

A&M-Commerce Faculty to Receive AAHHE Early Career Award
The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) selected Dr. Sarah Rodriguez to receive the 2021 AAHHE Early Career Award....

Governor Names TAMUC’s Brumley Chair of State Board of Social Worker Examiners
Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently appointed Brian Brumley, an employee and alum of Texas A&M University-Commerce, as chair of the Texas State Board of Social Worker Exami...

Alumna’s Estate Gifts $975,000 to A&M-Commerce Planetarium and Chemistry Program
The late Georgia Mae Waters Dorrough gifted $975,000, through her estate, to the College of Science and Engineering at A&M-Commerce. The Georgia M. Dorrough Planetarium En...

Naizer Receives SSMA Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Gil Naizer, professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas A&M University-Commerce, received the George G. Mall...

TAMUC Students Represent University at American Physical Society Meeting
Undergraduate students representing the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M University-Commerce recently delivered talks at a virtual meeting of the Texas s...

A&M-Commerce Partners with IDRA for Groundbreaking Collaboration
Texas A&M University-Commerce and the Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) are partnering to create a trailblazing...

Meadows Law Conference Addresses Special Education Issues
The Meadows Principal Leadership Institute presented the Meadows Law Conference on October 28 at the McKinney ISD Community Event Center. Dr...

A&M-Commerce Alumna Named Rookie Science Teacher of the Year
The Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) recently named Cheyenne Hunter as its Rookie Science Teacher of the Year. Hunter earned her b...

Texas Division of Emergency Management Welcomes New CFO from A&M-Commerce
The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) in Austin, Texas, has hired former Texas A&M University-Commerce administrator Paula Hanson as the new chief financial o...

A&M-Commerce Named One of Nation’s Top Teacher Prep Programs by NCTQ
The undergraduate elementary teacher preparation program at A&M-Commerce has been named among the top in the country by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), a no...

Mesquite ISD Teacher Awarded One-Year Scholarship Toward Doctorate
Rocio Almanza, a teacher at Mesquite Independent School District, recently received a one-year scholarship from the district toward her doc...

A&M-Commerce Educational Leadership Professor to be Honored by ICPEL
Dr. Julia Ballenger, professor of educational leadership at Texas A&M University-Commerce. The International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) r...

Poverty Simulation Provides Insight for A&M-Commerce Students and Educators
In fall 2018, the Department of Nursing at Texas A&M University-Commerce purchased a poverty simulation developed by the Missouri Association for Community Action, Inc. T...

A&M-Commerce Hosts Virtual Signing Day for Partnership with Multiple Organizations
Texas A&M University-Commerce hosted a virtual signing day on October 29 to commemorate partnerships with some of the most impactful professional organizations in Texas....

A&M-Commerce Department of Nursing Welcomes New Leadership
In August, the Department of Nursing at Texas A&M University-Commerce welcomed Dr. Denise Neill as the new department head. Prior to join...

A&M-Commerce Department of Nursing Awarded Innovation Grant
The Department of Nursing at Texas A&M University-Commerce has been selected for a Nursing Innovation Grant Program award under the 2020...