Empowering Students with Effective Communication Skills at the College of Business

The Texas A&M University-Commerce College of Business partnered with Dallas College to present a transformative educational event aimed at enhancing students’ communication abilities. Communications professor Courtney Brazile discussed the power of communication, networking and understanding a company's culture during his impactful virtual presentation called “Business Professional Communications.”
Designed to sharpen students’ communication skills, the workshop covered topics from mastering nonverbal cues to comprehensive business professional skills in any setting. Opened to all, the workshop was attended by over 20 students as well as several COB faculty and staff including Dr. Son Bui.
Students participated in lively discussions and hands-on activities designed to refine their communication skills during the event. This event aligns with A&M Commerce's College of Business’s commitment to inspiring transformational learning. Effective communication is a fundamental skill that transcends disciplines, making this opportunity invaluable for students from all programs of study.
As Brazile pointed out, effective communication creates and strengthens active listening, a personal brand, and meaningful networking opportunities. He shared several key best practices for networking: Consider ways you can be an asset to others inside and outside of your organization, capitalize on how others can help you achieve personal and professional success and create your elevator pitch—include one to two memorable things.
Participants also learned how important it is to understand the culture of the organization they want to work for and to approach situations with cultural sensitivity and humility.
He also shared a profound statement: “For students to be active listeners and learn how to hear what people are saying,” which is another facet of leadership and effective communication.