A&M-Commerce Associate Professor Elected ACT President

Texas A&M University-Commerce's Associate Professor and Interim Agricultural Sciences Department Head Dr. Derald Harp was recently elected as president of the Agricultural Consortium of Texas (ACT).
“Being president of ACT is a true honor for me, as this group encompasses higher education in agriculture across the entire state of Texas,” said Harp. “The representatives from the other universities, generally department heads or higher, are people I truly admire who are committed to strong agriculture, both in the field and in the classroom, across Texas. These people are the leaders in Texas agriculture, and I am truly honored to serve as president.”
ACT is an association of every university in the state of Texas that has an academic program in agriculture. Schools such as Texas Tech University and A&M-Commerce are members, along with more than 20 other universities and junior colleges. Harp represented A&M-Commerce at the spring meeting of ACT at Stephen F. Austin State University.
For more information on ACT, visit http://www.agintexas.org/default.aspx?ID=9887.