Library Faculty Recognized by TLA

Craig Wheeler, Library Services Coordinator at the Metroplex Center for Texas A&M University-Commerce Libraries, and Sarah Northam, Head of Research & Instruction Services, were both recently appointed to high offices by the Texas Library Association.
This year, the Texas Library Association celebrates 100 years of promoting libraries and learning, professional development for librarians, and legislative activities in the state of Texas. The TLA divides the state into ten districts to provide opportunities for professional growth, legislative activities, and recruitment by region. Craig Wheeler was elected as the Chair for Region 5 of the TLA for 2013-2014. This region encompasses counties in the northeast corner of the state. As Region 5 Chair, Wheeler will be responsible for planning and directing activities, scheduling and presiding over district level meetings, reporting to the state, attending various TLA conferences and meetings, and submitting this district's annual budget.
“Being involved in my district is a great opportunity for me to work with colleagues on a regional and state level,” said Wheeler. “It allows me to also be a leader that connects district members with activities and opportunities for growth.”
The TLA also chose Sarah Northam to serve a three year term as Councilor for the College and University Libraries Executive Board. In her role as Councilor, Northam will represent the interests of CULD at TLA Executive Board Meetings. As a representative on the executive council, she will also contribute in the approval the annual budget of the TLA, filling vacancies among the Representatives-At-Large on the Executive Board, approval all proposed amendments to the Bylaws and will retain all powers not provided for in the TLA Bylaws.
“I am extremely excited to serve TLA as a Councilor for the College and University Libraries Division,” said Northam. “I consider it a great honor to serve as an advocate for University and Community College Libraries and Librarians across the state, and I appreciate the confidence that my colleagues have places in me.”
For more information about the TLA visit