A&M-Commerce Nursing Cohorts Receive High Praise During Clinicals
Two A&M-Commerce nursing classes working through their clinicals at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Lake Pointe, in Rockwall, Texas, recently received high praise from their host.
A&M-Commerce junior nursing students with clinical instructor Crystal Brakefield. A&M-Commerce senior nursing students with clinical instructor Modester Gemas.
Vice president of patient care services, Joni Watson, said she's heard highly-positive feedback about the junior nursing students taught by clinical instructor Crystal Brakefield and the senior nursing students taught by clinical instructor Modester Gemas.
“I just want to thank you for letting us serve your students in our hospital,” said Watson. “I have recently heard how helpful your current student cohort has been with patient care.”
Watson said the students are always smiling and pleasant. “Your students are serving as strong partners in care,” she continued. “That's pretty spectacular feedback to hear from my nurse leaders. Thank you for growing our profession and letting us serve them in growth.”
Brakefield and her students are grateful for their clinical experience at the hospital. She said clinicals allow nursing students to have real-world experiences caring for actual patients in a hospital setting alongside seasoned medical professionals.
“All of the staff have been so helpful and supportive of the students' learning experiences,” said Brakefield. “They have been so gracious with sharing their knowledge and time to help train our future nurses.”