A&M-Commerce Participates in Great Colleges to Work For Program and Survey

This spring, A&M-Commerce will participate in The Chronicle's Great Colleges to Work For program, which recognizes institutions of higher education for workplace quality and organizational culture.
Through participation in the program's annual survey, administered by the consulting firm ModernThink, the university will be able to seek recognition in one of many managerial and organizational competency categories. The Great Colleges to Work For Honor Roll also honors institutions for overall workplace distinction.
“The Chronicle is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Their survey–Great Colleges to Work For–looks at employee perceptions related to the quality of the work environment. The results will help our university to be fully informed as we strive for continuous improvement in all areas,” said Dr. Shonda Gibson, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison.
The survey includes 60 survey statements covering fifteen theme areas such as professional development, job satisfaction, communication, and collaboration. Participation is anonymous, and an invitation to participate will be sent from ModernThink to a randomly selected group of faculty and staff.
“We utilized Great Colleges to Work For at my prior institution and I saw firsthand the impact it had. First, it showed us the good and the bad of the institution. This allowed us to get even better in the areas we were doing well, and improve in the areas that were below national norms,” said Dr. Tim Letzring, Dean of the College of Education and Human Services. “Once we received recognition as a Great College to Work For, this created many opportunities for the institution. The greatest impact for me was recruiting, especially for faculty. Our pools for applicants increased in quantity, quality, and diversity.”
The survey will be open from March 12 to April 6, and will be distributed to a random sample of full-time university faculty and staff. For more information about A&M-Commerce's participation, please contact [email protected] or visit https://greatcollegesprogram.com/