A&M-Commerce Wins at EMBS Annual Symposium

Three Texas A&M University-Commerce graduate students recently presented posters at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Engineering and Biology in Medicine (EMBS) Annual Symposium.
The IEEE EMBS Symposium is hosted by the Dallas IEEE chapter as a platform for professionals in the field of medical devices to share their research, products and views. Around 15 speakers presented their research to many organizations and companies such as St. Jude Medical Center and Texas Instruments.
Harish Ankam, Johnny Esquivel and Kushal Bohra are graduate research assistants from the university's Computer Science department. The posters were accepted after a peer review process, and the students presented them on November 7 in Dallas. Ankam took the award for third best student poster for his presentation on “A Compact Independent Component Analysis Implementation with Graphical Processing Unit”.
“Having our research on display at a forum like this gives credit to our results and conclusions,” said Esquivel. “It also lets us know how relevant our research topics are to the medical industry which is important because our goal as collegiate researchers is to provide knowledge that is useful to medical research professionals.”
The research that led to the publications was supported by the A&M-Commerce Office of Graduate Studies and Research, the College of Science, Engineering and Agriculture and the Department of Computer Science. Assistant Professors of Computer Science & Information Systems Dr. Unal Sakoglu and Dr. Mutlu Mete supervised and co-authored the posters.
For more information on the symposium, visit http://sites.ieee.org/dallas-embs/.