Calling Sophomores for Proficiency Profile Assessment!

Dear Student,
If you are just entering your second spring semester at A&M-Commerce (started here as a freshman in 2012) , you have been selected to participate in the ETS Proficiency Profile assessment.
This brief examination (forty minutes) covers critical thinking, writing, and mathematics. It just takes 40 minutes!
This helps the university demonstrate its effectiveness to our accrediting body, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Your participation helps the university improve, and that increases the value of your degree. To participate, all you have to do is show up at Ed South 122 on Feb. 26-28 OR March 4-6. Report any time between 3:00 and 4:00. The assessment will take 40 minutes.
For participating, you'll receive a free t-shirt and a certificate for a free slice of pizza and a soft drink at Luigi's.
If you have questions contact either Dr. Ricky Dobbs ([email protected]) or Ms. Wendy Gruver ([email protected]) by e-mail.