Career Development to Host Networking Workshop Lunch

The Career Development department will host a Networking Workshop Lunch on Wednesday April 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Pride room on the second floor of the Rayburn Student Center.
“Have you ever heard, ‘It's not what you know, it's who you know.' There is truth in that statement when it comes to the job search,” said Director of Career Development Tina Boitnott. “Networking is the number one way people find jobs. Come join us as we go through a fun and interactive workshop to get you started on your network!”
The event will include an interactive workshop on networking skills including general networking tips, follow-up etiquette and more to help students prepare for any professional networking event including networking nights hosted by Career Development.
“You would be a fool not to join us for the networking workshop lunch on April 1 (April Fool’s Day). Bring your own lunch and learn how to network your way into a job or internship,” said Employer Relations Coordinator Bethany Ferrall. “This will be an interactive workshop full of tips and tricks on how to craft the perfect elevator pitch and master the perfect handshake to land your next opportunity. You don't want to miss it!”
Lunch will not be provided, so participants are urged to bring their own. For more information on the event, visit: For pre-registration, visit: (Click Student).