Dr. Lavelle Hendricks Awarded Grant for Drug Education Program

Dr. Lavelle Hendricks, the associate professor of counseling, has been awarded a grant by the Texas Department of State Health Services to conduct workshops and provide training in the field of chemical dependency.
Dr. Hendricks has received funding for the past four consecutive years totaling approximately $750,000. The funds will be used to provide drug offender educational training statewide.
“The monies will be used to train individuals in drug/alcohol education. Texas A&M University-Commerce is at the forefront in educating Texans about the importance of curtailing their abuse of alcohol and drug use,” said Dr. Hendricks.
The program will bring those certified by the state in drug offender education to complete in-service training four times a year. It will also work with underage drinkers and adults who use/abuse alcohol and drugs.
Texas Department of State Health Services is a state agency of Texas. It provides state-operated health care services, including hospitals, health centers, and health organizations.