Dr. Robert Williams Receives 30 Year Tenure Award from the VATAT

Dr. Robert Williams, associate professor of agricultural sciences, was recently awarded his 30 year tenure award during the VATAT Professional Development Conference for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Cluster in Abilene, Texas. The Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas recognized more than 200 teachers and supporters of agricultural science during the convention this year.
“I am very proud to have been associated with this organization for 30 years,” said Dr. Williams. “The organization is primarily made up of middle and high schools agriculture teachers, many of them alumni or current students at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Over 90% of the profession is active members, which makes the VATAT one of the strongest educational organizations in Texas.”
Tenure awards are given in five-year increments to agricultural science teachers and associate members of the VATAT who have dedicated themselves to teaching and supporting agricultural science. More than 1,600 agricultural science teachers in Texas are impacting more than 135,000 students enrolled in agricultural education classes at the secondary level.
”The VATAT is proud to recognize the achievements of our members and the dedication of our supporters,” said Barney McClure, executive director of the VATAT.
Started in 1940, the VATAT is a professional organization for agricultural science teachers and supporters of agricultural science. Through the organization, teachers are informed about the latest agricultural education practices, encouraged to reach higher standards of agricultural teaching, and provided a unified voice for agricultural education in the state legislature.
To learn more about the VATAT, visit http://www.vatat.org/page.aspx?ID=151.