Dr. Tony DeMars Named National Broadcasting Society’s Member of the Year

Dr. Tony DeMars, professor and director of the radio and television division at Texas A&M University-Commerce, was recognized as the National Broadcasting Society's Member of the Year on March 15, 2014 in Burbank, CA. The National Broadcasting Society prepares college students and entry-level professionals for careers in electronic media. Alpha Epsilon Rho is the National Honor Society for electronic media students.
“This award recognizes Dr.DeMars' membership since 1988 and dedication as a local NBS-AERho chapter advisor at several universities, including Texas A&M University-Commerce,” said David von Palko, member of the NBS-AERho board of governors. “He is also receiving recognition for his work each year to organize and manage the regional South-Central Broadcasting Society's Fall conventions.”
Dr. DeMars has been an educator at A&M-Commerce since 2008. He is the District 5 Board Member for the Broadcast Education Association, Director of the South-Central Broadcasting Society and serves as the educational representative on the board of directors for the Texas Association of Broadcasters. He is past-president of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators and previously served as Council of Divisions Chair and board member for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
The National Broadcasting Society was founded in 1943. NBS-AERho holds their annual conventions each spring in major media markets around the United States. For more information, visit http://www.nbs-aerho.org/.