Former FLC Students Become NASPA Fellows

The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Undergraduate Fellows Program recently accepted two Texas A&M University-Commerce students.
The NUFP is an opportunity for high-achieving undergraduate students to integrate themselves into the student affairs and higher education fields. Students are chosen through a highly selective process based on their previous accomplishments, campus contributions, passion for students and potential to contribute to the field. Loryn Taylor-Johnson and Harold Brown were both selected as NUFP Fellows in November.
“Having the opportunity to be a part of something as massive and as influential as NUFP is truly a blessing,” said Brown.
Both students were members of the university's First Year Leadership Class (FLC) during their freshman year at A&M-Commerce. FLC is a living-learning community that brings together a diverse group of students to discover how they can become effective leaders. The NUFP fellowship will push these students one step farther by offering opportunities for professional growth and networking with student affairs specialists.
“I’m excited to have the ability to get a taste of student affairs as a NUFP Fellow,” said Taylor-Johnson. “I will have the luxury of learning many tricks of the trade that I will be able to implement in my future profession while also networking with professionals who have been in student affairs for many years.”
For more information on the NUFP, visit For more information about the First Year Leadership Class.