Graduates Give High Marks for TAMUC Region 10 Superintendent Certification Partnership
Two A&M-Commerce Region 10 ESC Superintendent Certification graduates shared their experiences in the Fall 2022 edition of Reach!, a biannual magazine published by the Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC).
Ben Dickerson and Michael Gipson were in the 2022 cohort of students participating in the one-year certification program.

Dickerson said the program helped him practice the skills necessary to be a successful superintendent. Gipson noted that the A&M-Commerce coursework aided his current role at Region 10 ESC. He is now pursuing his doctorate at A&M-Commerce.
Dr. Juan Araujo, assistant dean for the College of Education and Human Services at A&M-Commerce, agreed with their assessment.
“This partnership provides participants with the best possible way to acquire the academic side of certification and the opportunity to practice their skills right away,” Araujo said. “Just as importantly, the partnership impacts student learning and improves future outcomes.”
Read the article at the Region 10 ESC website and learn more about the Region 10 ESC Superintendent Certification program at A&M-Commerce.
(Pictured from left, Ben Dickerson and Michael Gipson. Photos courtesy of Region 10 ESC.)