Lion Safari Tour Stops at the Capitol & Mt. Pleasant

Texas A&M University-Commerce's 2013 Lion Safari Tour will be stopping to visit Austin on June 18 from 5:30-8:30 pm at the Austin Club and the Mount Pleasant ISD Central Support Office on June 27 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Please note: the Mount Pleasant event has been postponed for the time being.
The Lion Safari Tour is a new program to help the Athletic Department get in touch with Lion alumni, fans and supporters across the state of Texas. The gatherings in Austin and Mount Pleasant will be a way for these individuals to network with several A&M-Commerce head coaches and members of the Athletic Department administration. Information will also be given about the recently established Lions Athletic Club, football season tickets and corporate sponsorships. Over the course of this past spring, the Athletic Department has been working to reach out to alumni, fans and supporters of A&M-Commerce to allow them to voice their concerns and thoughts about the department and its programs. The Tour is to continue these efforts and implement their followers' suggestions.
“The Safari Tour is a great opportunity for us to reach out and engage our fan base while providing a platform to push the upcoming season,” said Ryan Ivey, Athletic Director. “We want to provide our fans and supporters an opportunity to be involved, whether it's through a membership with the Lions Athletic Club, season tickets, corporate sponsorships or physical support. This is a new day in Lion Athletics, and we want all of our fans to be engaged and involved where they desire.”
To make your reservation contact Jane Martyn, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, at [email protected] or 903-886-5792. For more information on the Tour, its stops and locations visit