Money Donated For “Suit Bank” On Campus

The Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp has given $5,000 to Texas A&M University-Commerce to contribute to a campus “Suit Bank.”
Aaron Mitchell, Speaker of the Student Senate at Texas A&M University, brought the idea to Chancellor Sharp, and he agreed to support the program. Each university in the system was awarded money by the Chancellor’s Century Council to either start or contribute to an existing program.
Since A&M-Commerce already has a program in place, the Career Closet through Career Development, the money donated by Chancellor Sharp will go towards the further development of the Career Closet's resources.
“The $5,000 Suit Bank contribution will allow us to purchase both male and female professional business suits in a variety of sizes allowing us to better serve our students' needs,” Tina Boitnott, director of Career Development, said. “We will work with our Student Government Association to develop a loan policy for the Suit Bank to establish the length of time a suit may be on loan and a reimbursable deposit fee to ensure the suits are returned and in good condition. We will also continue to accept clothing donations and offer the donated clothing to our students free of charge.”
The Career Closet is located at Prairie Crossing Room 213. It is sponsored and provided by Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and well as donations from the A&M-Commerce campus and community. It is currently open on an as-needed basis for any student who needs assistance.
“The A&M-Commerce Career Closet, and now the Suit Bank contribution, offers students an opportunity to be prepared as they go out into the job market,” said Wyman Williams, development officer for the College of Business and member of the Chancellor's Century Council. “A&M-Commerce is continually focused on offering students every inroad to success, and this is just one more way we do that.”
For more information on the Career Closet, contact Career Development at 903.468.3223.