Outstanding Physics & Astronomy TA and LA Awards

The Texas A&M University-Commerce department of Physics & Astronomy recently recognized two students as Outstanding Teaching and Learning Assistants of the year. Christopher Culver and Alexander Spahn were chosen as the Outstanding Teaching Assistant, and Urvi Bhatt was awarded Outstanding Learning Assistant.
“These students distinguished themselves in their laboratory and classroom sections by always being available for their students and really going the extra mile in terms of preparation and performance,” said Department Head Dr. Matt Wood.
Each year, Physics & Astronomy faculty nominate students for the Outstanding TA and LA awards, and the department comes together to select the award recipients. Dr. Wood presented each of the students with a certificate of achievement and a gift membership to the American Association of Physics Teachers, the world leader in promoting physics education.
“It is a great pleasure to recognize excellence, and these students have each demonstrated a passion and ability for teaching physics that is clear to students and faculty alike,” said Wood.
For more information on the A&M-Commerce Physics & Astronomy department, visit https://www.tamuc.edu/academics/colleges/scienceEngineeringAgriculture/departments/physicsAstronomy/default.aspx.