Respect and Collaboration at the Heart of TAMUC’s “Inclusive Community” Goal
The Texas A&M University-Commerce 2019-2024 Strategic Plan lists, “Create an inclusive community characterized by respect and collaboration,” as a strategic priority and goal. An ongoing civility initiative, headed by counseling Professor Dr. LaVelle Hendricks, seeks to instill and confirm ideas about how university personnel might positively interact with one another and with students, families, and community members.
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A&M-Commerce Aligns Initiatives
Located 66 miles northeast of Dallas, Commerce, TX, has been home to the institution now called Texas A&M University-Commerce since an 1894 fire forced its relocation from C...

Student Preparedness as a Strategic Goal at TAMUC
The first episode in a six-part series, Dr. Mark Rudin discusses the university’s strategic plan. In the fall of 2019, Texas A&M Uni...

The Elevation of Research at A&M-Commerce
To say that Texas A&M University-Commerce president Mark Rudin carries a flame for institutional research is a bit of an understatement....