Robotics Team Makes Impressive Run at Tournament

On February 21 and 22, the East Texas A&M Robotics Club team, Lions Pride Robotics, competed in Houston, Texas, at the VEX U Robotics Competition, with a record of eight wins and zero losses in the qualifying rounds. Achieving wins against formidable opponents like Texas A&M University, University of Texas at Dallas and Texas Tech helped East Texas A&M cruise to a first-round bye in the elimination rounds.

The VEX U Robotics Competition is a tournament hosted by the Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation, wherein university teams are invited to compete head-to-head. With two robots per team, universities in the competition are tasked with stacking rings on stakes to accrue points, while trying to prevent their opponent from doing the same. At the end of each game, the team with the most points is named winner.

The East Texas A&M team followed up their 8-0 streak with another win over Texas A&M in the quarterfinals. It wasn't until the semifinal round that Lions Pride Robotics suffered defeat at the hands of UT Austin, bringing their competition to a close.

The East A&M University robotics team—including co-captains Zachary Pittman and Bradyn Hamm, along with Jada Burke, Bona Jang, Dharsan Raviselram, Landon Wiley, Vaden Wood and advisor Dr. Perry Moler—came in third place for the weekend, thus completing their season.

Learn more about the East Texas A&M Robotics Club by contacting Dr. Moler. For more information about robotics competitions, visit the REC Foundation.