Slatyr Hunnicutt to Compete in College Nationals Finals Rodeo

Slatyr Hunnicutt, a saddle bronc rider for the Lion's rodeo team, will compete for a national title at the College National Finals Rodeo in Casper, WY on June 15-21. Hunnicutt placed second in the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Southern Region Year-End Standings for this academic year. Over 400 students from over 100 universities and colleges are set to compete in the CNFR this year.
“Slatyr has been riding very well this year and continues to ride well. If he can stay riding strong into the summer, there is no telling what he can do at the college finals in Wyoming in June,” said Dr. Edward Romero, Lion's rodeo team advisor and coach. “I am excited for his success and most definitely proud he chose to ride for A&M-Commerce this year. We are fortunate to have him on the men's team.”
In addition to his standing in the NIRA, Hunnicutt became the 2014 United Professional Rodeo Association Saddle Bronc Champion with winnings over $3,500. The UPRA spans six states with headquarters located in Wills Point, Texas. Contestants competing through the UPRA earned over 3 million dollars during the 2013 year.
Saddle bronc riding is one of the most technical rodeo events. Originating from a style of horse breaking in the old west, riders must stay in the saddle and hold on to the reins with one hand for eight seconds. If the free hand touches any part of the horse or the rider's body, the rider will be disqualified. Judges base their scores on the horse's bucking action, the rider's control of the horse, and the rider's spurring action.
To learn more about the College National Finals Rodeo, visit