TAMUC Competency-Based Education Program Touted for Industry Engagement 

An article recently published at workingnation.com highlights the competency-based Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Leadership degree program at A&M-Commerce as a beacon for merging classroom theory with real-world application.
The article “What is not causing the skills gap” is authored by Amber Garrison Duncan, executive vice president of Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN) and C-BEN board member Brooks Doherty, assistant vice president of Academic Innovation at Rasmussen University.
The authors note that the A&M-Commerce program utilizes an advisory board of local law enforcement officers, thus providing these potential employers with insight into what the program's students know and can do, while also allowing industry experts to have input into what is being taught to students.
Learn more about the competency-based B.S. in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Leadership degree program at A&M-Commerce.