Thank YOU! A Royal Roar Recap
This year's Royal Roar was a great success and the Office of Advancement wishes to thank everyone for their profound support. This event boomed with 340 tickets sold (a 50% increase over last year!), a 200% increase in table sponsorships, and representation from all four colleges and Lion Athletics.
In addition to ticket sales and sponsorships, the silent auction—along with the sale of Clay Club centerpieces—was a rousing success with more than $16,000 raised. These proceeds will be distributed among scholarship endowments, departmental Excellence Funds, and general funds.
Thanks to event sponsorships, two additional scholarships will be awarded during the 2014-2015 academic year:
Oncor – $1,500
L-3 Mission Integration – $1,000
We are thrilled to see the growth of this event and delighted that in its second year it is already providing scholarships and funds for the betterment of departments, colleges, and the university as a whole. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank everyone involved for their time and generosity. We'll see you again at next year's Royal Roar!
Links to Royal Roar photo sets on Flickr: