Thank Your QEP Representatives

The following individuals have contributed a great deal of time and energy into the creation of the A&M-Commerce Quality Enhancement Plan: Preparing Students for an Interconnected World.
Adeyinka Akeju: Graduate Research Assistant, Marketing Communications
Dr. Carla Asbill: Clinical Instructor, Social Work
Natalia Assis: Graduate Research Assistant, Student Access and Success
Dr. Jeff Baker: Assistant Professor, Music
Dr. Julia Ballenger: Associate Professor, Educational Leadership
Susan Bishop: Lecturer, Curriculum and Instruction
Russell Blanchett: Director, Metroplex Commuter Facility
Dr. Betty Block: Department Head, Health & Human Performance
Tina Boitnott: Director, Career Development
Rebecca Bolin: Director, English Language Institute
Kari Bryan: Application Development, Information Technology
Chelsea Bryant: Student Government Association (Student Government Association)
Dr. Megan Burke: Assistant Professor, Accounting
Patcha Charoensukmongkol: Graduate Research Assistant
Dr. Kenneth Clinton: Director, Office of Global Programs, International Studies/Study Abroad
Dr. Hasan Coskun: Associate Professor, Mathematics
Dr. David Crenshaw: Professor, Animal Science
Sharon Crump: Administrative Assistant to Assoc Provost, Provost & VP for Academic Affairs
Brandon Crutchfield: Community College Outreach Coordinator, Collin Higher Ed Center
Caleb Culver: Student Government Association
Dr. Ricky Dobbs: Dean, University College
Dr. Donna Dunbar-Odom: Director of Liberal Studies/Professor of English
Dr. Willie Edwards: Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice
Dr. Christine Evans: Professor, Arts and Sciences
Dr. Jennifer Flanagan: Assistant Professor, Business Administration and MIS
Jeff Faunce: Infrastructure Services Director, Information Technology
Dr. Haydn “Chip” Fox: Associate Dean, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Rex Giddens: Comptroller and Director, Financial Services
Dr. Shonda Gibson: Executive Director of Global Learning
Denise Golden: Associate Director, Residential Living and Learning
Wayne Grabow: Coordinator, Rockwall
Samantha Grace: Recruitment Manager for the Theatre, Mass Media, Communication & Theatre
Dr. Chris Green: Associate Professor/Bilingual/ESL Director, Curriculum & Instruction
Dr. Raymond Green: Dean, Honors College
Jeanetta Groce: Director, Navarro Campus
Rebecca Hanstad: SACS Administrative Assistant, Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
Joshua Hardman: Assistant Director for Student Government and Organizations
Dr. Derald Harp: Fac Senate Pres/SACS Comp Committee Chair/Assoc Prof, Horticulture
Dr. Derek Harter: Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Information Systems
Dr. Jim Heitholt: Head & Professor, Agricultural Sciences
Dr. LaVelle Hendricks: Associate Professor, Psychology, Counseling and Special Education
Dr. Mary Hendrix: Vice President, VP for Student Access and Success
Diana Hines: Director of the Writing Center, 3
Dr. Maria Hinojosa: Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership
Dr. Celine Hoe: Assistant Professor, Economics & Finance
Will Horton: Student Government Association
Dr. John Humphreys: Professor of Management, Marketing & Management
Dr. Ben Jang: Head & Professor, Chemistry
Dr. Sharon Johnson: Associate Vice President for Student Access and Success
Gail Johnston: Associate Director, Library
Dr. Lon Johnston: Associate Professor, Social Work
John Mark Jones: Director, International Student Services
Monterrio Jones: Student Government Association
Dr. Rebecca Judd: Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Madeline Justice: Professor, Educational Leadership
SuzAnne Kiefer: Retired, Director of Metroplex Center
Dr. Kriss Kemp-Graham: Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership
Dr. Izhar Khan: Assistant Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Ashley Kimble: Graduate Research Assistant, Student Access and Success
Pratyush Kotturu: Doctoral Candidate, Psychology, Counseling and Special Education
Dr. Maria Lamarque: Associate Professor and Director of Spanish Graduate Studies
Dr. Scott Lancaster: Research & Instruction, Library
Dustin Lawson: Student Government Association
Dr. Inma Lyons: Associate Professor, Spanish
Patricia Madigan: PMO, Information Technology
Lisa Martinez: Director, Marketing Communications
Dr. Bill Masten: Associate Professor, Psychology, Counseling and Special Education
Dr. Randy McBroom: Professor, Sociology
Missy McClure: Community Volunteer
Dr. Carole A. McKenzie: Associate Professor of Nursing
Brittni Mead: Undergraduate student representative, National Society of Leadership and Success
Dr. Mark Moreno: Assistant Professor, History
Wendy Morgan: Director, Sam Rayburn Student Center
Dr. Emily Newman: Assistant Professor, Art History
Dr. Will Newton: Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Jodi Oelrich: Coordinator, Academic Success Center
Dr. Marila Palmer: Associate Provost, Institutional Effectiveness
Nick Patras: Counseling Center
Dr. Mildred Golden Pryor: Professor, Management
Dr. David Rankin: Social Sciences Reference/Government Documents Librarian
Veronica Reed: Director, TRIO Programs
Dr. Stephen Reysen: Assistant Professor, Psychology, Counseling and Special Education
Cynthia Rhodes: Executive Assistant to the Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Dr. Robert Rodriguez: Assistant Professor, Political Science
Judy Sackfield: Associate AD for Academics/SWA, Athletics
Shella Schneider: Mentor/Advisor, College of Education and Human Services
Andrea Slobodnikova: Graduate Research Assistant
Dr. John Smith: Associate Professor, History
Dr. Petra Strassberg: Course Developer/Accessibility Lead, Fac Center Teach With Technology
Annette Taggart: Instructor, Accounting
Tammi Thompson: Executive Director, Training & Development
Dr. Tara Tietjen-Smith: Associate Professor/Grad Coordinator, Health and Human Performance
Dr. Leslie Toombs: Professor of Marketing , Marketing & Management
Dr. Nilo Tsung: Assistant Professor, Engineering and Technology
Rebecca Tuerk: Director of Student Disability Resources and Services
Dr. William Wadley: Professor, Art History
Dr. Carole Walker: Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Rusty Waller: Associate Professor, Educational Leadership
Dr. Scott Waltemyer: Assistant Professor, Sport and Recreation Management
Dr. Chris White: Professor, Music
Lee Whitmarsh: Assistant Professor, Director of Visual Communication
Dr. Leah Wickersham: Associate Professor, Agricultural Sciences
J. T. Wilkerson: SACS Administrative Assistant, Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
Tim Willett: Executive Director, Campus Life and Student Development