U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Awards Fellowship to Dr. Sakoglu

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) awarded a Summer Faculty Research Award to Department of Computer Science Assistant Professor Dr. Unal “Zak” Sakoglu for his proposal, “Application of IR Sensor Technology: Nonuniformity Correction Algorithms for IR Pupil Imager.”
The fellowship allowed Sakoglu to spend 12 weeks at the AFRL at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The laboratory is the main research center for directed energy and optical technologies for the Air Force.
“Obtaining external funding support for doing research is very important for me and my department. This AFRL summer research grant had given me an opportunity to work at a different research facility with great resources, and I also made ties with various researchers at the AFRL and we published our results,” said Sakoglu.
The research completed by Sakoglu and his collaborators was presented and published at the Proceedings of SPIE Optics+Photonics Conference Volume Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications in San Diego, California. SPIE is a not-for-profit society dedicated to advancing the application of light by taking an interdisciplinary approach to the science.
“Our collaboration is continuing. I am also looking for interested and qualified graduate students who can help me; if I can find qualified graduate students for my research in the future since the AFRL grant can also support graduate students,” said Sakoglu.
For more information, visit Sakoglu's website.