University Flag to Fly Over Hopkins County

By Mary Grace Rodriguez and Sara Wray
Texas A&M University-Commerce secured the right to fly the university's flag over the Hopkins County Courthouse in Sulphur Springs after alumni raised $5,500 during the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation's “Fly Your Flag” event in its Lights of Life Campaign.
“Many thanks to our alumni and friends in Hopkins County who embraced the challenge to raise funds for the hospital and the honor of flying the A&M-Commerce flag in Sulphur Springs over the Thanksgiving holiday,” said Randy VanDeven, vice president of Institutional Advancement. “This is another testament to the Lion Pride that extends well beyond our campus.”
A&M-Commerce won the event for the first time in 2013, making this their second win.
“Thank you so much to A&M-Commerce. Yours will be the only flag to fly throughout the long holiday weekend,” remarked Jackie Thornton, foundation director of Hopkins County Health Care in a ceremony on November 24, 2015.
“A&M-Commerce has proudly provided educational opportunity to many thousands of students from Hopkins County for more than 125 years,” said A&M-Commerce President Dan R. Jones. “It is a particular pleasure to see our flag flying high above the Hopkins County Courthouse once again.”
Proceeds from this year's Lights of Life Campaign will support Hopkins County Memorial Hospital.