University Students Participate in the SAEA Undergraduate Quiz Bowl Competition

The Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) held its annual Quiz Bowl during its yearly meeting February 6-9 in San Antonio. Five students from Texas A&M University-Commerce attended to compete in the Quiz Bowl, including Austin Harrison, Eliseo Hernández, Jordan Oneal, Emilee Peterson, and Jaylen Wallace.
The 2016 SAEA Quiz Bowl brought together 140 undergraduate students from 22 colleges and universities. The students were tested in their knowledge of eight categories: microeconomics, macroeconomics, resource and policy, quantitative reasoning, agribusiness and finance, marketing, management, and general knowledge.
“It's truly fulfilling to be able to show our Agribusiness students what their discipline is all about outside the classroom,” said Jose Lopez, assistant professor of agribusiness.
Students were assigned to four-person teams in which no more than one member could be from the same university or college. This mixed format was designed to encourage interaction between students from different schools. Wallace's team placed second place at the Quiz Bowl.
“The SAEA conference and quiz bowl showed me that Texas A&M University-Commerce prepared me to be successful in future business and academic endeavors,” said Wallace.
“I brought hours of practice with me to the 2016 SAEA Undergraduate Quiz Bowl Competition and left with increased knowledge, a broadened network, inspiration for research, friends and memories that will last a lifetime, and excitement about the meeting again in 2017,” said Peterson.
Next year's annual meeting will be held in Mobile, Alabama, February 4-7. To learn more about SAEA, visit