Weather Updates, Feb. 11 and 12

11:50 p.m.: Corsicana and Midlothian, our Navarro Partnership off-site locations, will have a 10 a.m. delayed opening on Wednesday, February 12.
6:30 p.m.: Corsicana will delay opening until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12.
3:40 p.m.: The Universities Center at Dallas (UCD) and the Collin Higher Education Center (CHEC) are closed on Tuesday, Feb. 11. Navarro Partnership-Midlothian closed as of 3 p.m. today. The Corsicana location has canceled classes for the evening.
Locations not mentioned in this update have not provided any indication of closure. The main campus remains open at this time.
Watch this space for further updates as they are issued.