Winter Weather Updates, Feb. 6-7

Friday, Feb 7 | 8:45 a.m.: Students who had testing at the One Stop Shop at the main Commerce campus – “Our apologies to students who had testing scheduled at the One Stop Shop this morning. While we notified the testing company of inclement weather issues last evening, it’s come to our attention that not everyone received a cancellation notification. For these external tests, we do not have contact information for candidates to do notifications so we have to rely on the testing companies for that service. We will further review our inclement weather procedures to make sure testing issues run smoothly.” – One Stop Shop
Friday, Feb 7 | 7:45 a.m.: The main A&M-Commerce campus will be closed on Friday, Feb. 7th. Mesquite Metroplex, UCD, and Rockwall will be closed on Friday, Feb. 7th. CHEC will resume normal hours.
Reminder: If there are no updated messages, the decision to remain open or close at off-campus sites will be determined as follows:
• If Mesquite ISD is closed, the Mesquite Metroplex Center will be closed.
• If Rockwall ISD is closed, Texas A&M University-Commerce at Rockwall will be closed.
• If Navarro College, Corsicana and/or Midlothian, is closed, classes are cancelled.
• If Universities Center at Dallas is closed, classes are cancelled.
• If Collin College is closed, classes are cancelled at the Collin Higher Education Center.
• In any school district where A&M-Commerce offers dual credit classes, those classes will be cancelled if that school district is closed.
Around the main campus for Friday, February 7:
- Rayburn Student Center (RSC) modified hours: Building 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Food service 9 a.m.-7:15 p.m. The Club 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
- Morris Recreation Center: All programs and fitness classes are cancelled today at the Morris Recreation Center. The building will be open regular hours today till 9pm.
Further updates will be available as they are issued.
Friday, Feb 7 | 7:00 a.m.: The main A&M-Commerce campus will have a delayed opening at 10 a.m. on Friday, Feb 7. Mesquite Metroplex, UCD, and Rockwall will be closed on Friday, Feb. 7th. CHEC will resume normal hours.
Thursday, Feb 6 | 11:32 p.m.: UCD will be closed tomorrow, Friday the 7th.
Thursday, Feb 6 | 8:32 p.m.: The main A&M-Commerce campus will have a delayed opening at 10 a.m. on Friday, Feb 7. The Rockwall location is closed all day Friday, Feb 7.
Thursday, Feb 6 | 8 p.m.: The Rockwall Facility will be closed tomorrow, Friday the 7th, due to impending weather.
Thursday, Feb 6 | 1:25 p.m.:
- A&M-Commerce at Rockwall will be closed after 1 p.m. today and all evening classes are cancelled.
- UCD is closed after 1 p.m. and all evening classes are cancelled.
- Mesquite Metroplex is closed after 1 p.m. and all evening classes are cancelled.
- Collin Higher Education Center is closed after 1 p.m. and all evening classes are cancelled.
- A&M-Commerce classes at Midlothian have been cancelled after 1 p.m.
- Corsicana classes are scheduled to meet normally today and tonight.
Thursday, Feb 6 | 12 p.m.:
- A&M-Commerce at Rockwall will be closed after 1 p.m. today and all evening classes are cancelled.
Thursday, Feb 6 | 11:12 a.m.: Classes at the main Commerce campus are cancelled and the university will close after 1 p.m. on Thursday, February 6. Night classes and evening activities are also cancelled.
Around the main campus for Thursday, February 6:
- The Rayburn Student Center (RSC) will close at 7:30 p.m. The Club will remain open until 7:00 p.m..
- RSC Dining Room will be open until 7:15 p.m. Late Night will be closed
- RSC Food Court will be open until 6 p.m.
- Starbucks in the Club will be open until 6 p.m.
- Sandella’s and Starbucks in the Library will close at 1 p.m. today.
- The Morris Recreation Center will close at 9 p.m. tonight. We will open tomorrow February 7th at 6 a.m.