According to the Texas A&M University System, hazing is defined as any intentional, knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in or maintaining membership in an organization if the act:

  • Is any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body or similar activity;
  • Involves sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, calisthenics or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student;
  • Involves consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug or other substance, other than described by the next paragraph, that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student; and/or
  • Is any activity that induces, causes or requires the student to perform a duty or task that involves a violation of the Penal Code; or involves coercing, as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, the student to consume a drug; or an alcoholic beverage or liquor in an amount that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the student is intoxicated, as defined by Section 49.01, Penal Code.

The complete East Texas A&M hazing policy and all other conduct-related information are located within our Student Code of Conduct.

Students or student groups may be disciplined and sanctioned for the misconduct of hazing under the East Texas A&M Student Code of Conduct. For more information, please visit the Dean of Students.

East Texas A&M will discipline any students, or student groups found responsible for hazing. Sanctions for students found responsible for hazing can include but are not limited to disciplinary probation, parental notification, suspension, expulsion and other sanctions as deemed appropriate by University officials. Sanctions for student groups can include social probation, disciplinary probation, suspension and loss of recognition. Students and student groups can also be assigned educational sanctions designed to change behavior and reduce the risk of future misconduct.

When hazing happens within a student group, East Texas A&M may find both the student group and individual student responsible. A student group can be found responsible if it condones or encourages hazing, or if its officers, members or alumni commit or assist in the commission of hazing.

East Texas A&M has resources to help students and student groups prevent hazing. Students and student groups can consult with the Dean of Students Office, the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office and the Counseling Center. Two nationally-based organizations can also be useful resources: Stop Hazing and Hazing Prevention. Fraternity & Sorority Life annually hosts a multitude of hazing prevention-related activities during National Hazing Prevention Week in September.


Anyone with knowledge of hazing should immediately report the matter by submitting an Anonymous Hazing Report or through the Dean of Students. East Texas A&M will investigate all reports of hazing involving students, whether the alleged misconduct took place on or off-campus and regardless of the victim's submission to the alleged misconduct.

You may also contact the following on-campus departments:

You can also call the National Anti-Hazing Hotline toll-free number at 1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293).


  • The National Anti-Hazing Hotline toll-free number is 1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293). The line is available to those who think they, or students they know, have been or may become victims of hazing. Callers may remain anonymous, or they can provide personal information so that their concerns can be responded to directly.
  • StopHazing.org is a website dedicated to education to eliminate hazing.
  • HazingPreventionNetwork.org is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization whose goal is to encourage healthy and productive experiences for new members of teams, student organizations, and fraternities and sororities.


Hazing is not only against East Texas A&M policy, but it is also against the law. The Texas Education Code sections 51.936 and 37.151 through 37.157, make hazing a criminal offense. Criminal penalties for hazing can include:

  • Failing to report hazing: Fine up to $1,000 and/or up-to 180 days in jail
  • Hazing not resulting in serious bodily injury: Fine of $500-$1,000 and/or 90-180 days in jail
  • Hazing resulting in serious bodily injury: Fine of $1,000-$5,000 and/or 180 days to 1 year in jail
  • Hazing resulting in death: Fine of $5,000-$10,000 and/or 1-2 years in jail

An individual convicted of hazing may be required to perform community service in lieu of confinement to jail, except when hazing results in death. Students who commit hazing can be subject to criminal prosecution and penalties as well as sanctions through the university conduct process.

Student groups and individual students can be found guilty of hazing.

East Texas A&M University

Hazing Violations Within the Last Three Years

OrganizationDate Incident OccurredDate Investigation was InitiatedWhat OccurredViolations of the Code of Student ConductFindingsSanctionsDate Conduct Process was Resolved
Not Applicable Spring 2022
Delta Sigma ThetaOctober 2022October 25, 2022Intentional acts for the purposes of pledging.HazingResponsibleSocial Probation
December 07, 2022, through May 19, 2023. Includes the removal of all social privileges as an organization due to violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
Educational Sanction
The chapter must plan, market, and implement an educational program to be presented to the university community by April 1, 2023.

Educational Sanction
The organization shall review and reflect on hazing-based educational information by December 22, 2022.
December 2, 2022
Not ApplicableSpring 2023
Not ApplicableFall 2023
Not ApplicableSpring 2024
Not ApplicableFall 2024

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