We take the guesswork out of navigating higher education by assigning dedicated specialists who are part of a student’s overall success team. By providing expert guidance along the way, we give students the opportunity to focus on their education instead of working through obstacles on their own.

Amanda Grant
Adjunct Faculty

  • Alum
  • Staff
College of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts
Contact Amanda
McDowell Administration 102C
Greenville, TX
Year Graduated

She climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge and fed wallabies. For Amanda, studying at A&M-Commerce meant taking her knowledge abroad both as a student and co-director. Now a Graduate Enrollment Specialist for the College of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts, her job is to equip students with the confidence and information needed to excel while here. She's here to walk with you every step of the way, from orientation to graduation. Have questions about what courses you should take or application requirements? Ask away!

A Conversation with Amanda

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending A&M-Commerce?

“Join our Lion family to become a leader and expert in your field. We excel in helping you achieve your dreams! We take the guesswork out of navigating higher education by assigning dedicated specialists who are part of a student's overall success team. By providing expert guidance along the way, we give students the opportunity to focus on their education instead of working through obstacles on their own. Our university isn't just a place; it has a heart.”

What do you like most about your career?

“The most rewarding part of my career is building relationships with students and watching them realize their dreams. Since I work directly with graduate students from start to finish, I see a changed person at the end. It truly inspires me to watch them achieve their goals, especially when it's common to experience struggles along the way. Our students are very resilient, and that is the secret to both life and success.”

Educational Background

  • M.S., Sociology, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2012
  • B.S., Sociology, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2009

Awards and Honors

  • Employee of the Month, Texas A&M University-Commerce, August 2018

Professional Organizations

  • Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society

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