Because of my experience at the ETAMU Elementary Music Cohort, I have a deeper understanding of not only content, but how students learn and how to use their learning as a tool to help make our school a more musical place.

Angela Neal
Music Specialist, Prestwick Elementary

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Angela Neal is the music specialist at Prestwick Elementary and the Elementary Honor Choir Coordinator in Little Elm ISD. Prior to this, Angela taught at schools in Frisco ISD, Lewisville ISD, Commerce ISD and West Baton Rouge Parish. She holds a bachelor's degree in music education from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, Oklahoma, and a Master of Music with an emphasis in Elementary Music Education from East Texas A&M University. 

She has completed Orff certification, the Orff master class, and Kodaly certification at Southern Methodist University. She also had the opportunity to study at the Orff Institute in Salzburg, Austria. As an active member in AOSA, she is also a leader in the North Texas Chapter of AOSA, having served in many offices including hospitality chair, membership chair, secretary, vice president, and president. Angela served as Children’s Performance Chair at the 2017 Conference.

Angela has presented clinics at the regional and state levels: Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA), North Texas AOSA, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, East Texas A&M University, and the Bill Martin Jr. Symposium. She has also provided district professional development sessions for Frisco ISD, Lewisville ISD, and Mineola ISD. She is a member of TMEA and AOSA.

Her enthusiasm for life comes through to her students, friends, and co-workers. Her love of learning fuels her love of teaching music.

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